How do I get a racist sadistic femdom gf

I'm tall white and make six figures but don't know where to look

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makima rotted your dumb brain

The fuck is that?

>How do I get a racist sadistic femdom gf
date a nigger

a dude

I may be a coomer but I'm not into bestiality

I'm all of that except the gf part

Write to her in prison.

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bump for interest

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I don't want to die I want to raise kids and be mostly normal outside the bedroom. Also wiccans are cringe.

Finally, a chance to use this

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crazy southern girl from the sticks might do it for you
also might kill you in your sleep if she thinks you're cheating on her with her sister though
and because shes crazy she'll eventually think you're cheating on her with her sister
give and take, user
how much do you want it? what are you willing to lose?

>you will never have a Nazi super solider gf
why even live bros

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Had someone kinda like that when I was 18 but she wanted to go the career route so we broke up. Pretty funny cause now she's unemployed living with a meth head and I'm rich. Turns out you can't pay for college with hopes and dreams.
>how much do you want it? what are you willing to lose?
Good point

>How do I get a racist sadistic femdom gf
You don't, user.
You build one.

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R9k, theres where I found mine

>that one capitalist.
you are gay nobody cares who u are

It's just a bad idea. Stop jacking off, maybe it's not too late for you. A girlfriend is somebody you screen or mold into a wife (If you have to mold her, there is always the chance that if you are not around to lay the law down, she will revert to her old self, same shit if you enter hard times). So, if you are trying to find a wife, the next logical step is children and who would want a pussy father figure that gets dominated and a whore for a mother. These bad genes and practices will be imprinted into your fucked up children. If you don't want a wife, you are just fucking around and should stop using the term girlfriend. Get help.

Sounds fucked, but I also refuse to accept your version of reality.

Man , I wish I could find something like this but only if she's loyal , we can sell drugs out of a trailer and have high powered automatic weapons and drink whiskey most of the day.

eh, it kinda works Bhutranon.
Still could've saved it for a better opportunity.

fuck you guys.

Well if she's gonna suspect me anyway I might as well bang her siter.

There is no "Kinda" about it

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Doesn't exist. If they're into femdom they will also be into feminism. Trust me.

yeah... my ex had femdom tendencies but that's because she unironically thought that women should rule over men.

me except i'm a tranny

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