Are the French okay?

>Have protest in capital
>Make is Illegal to fly the French flag
>Videos of officers ticketing flag holders are surfacing
>One of the videos shows an officer pull over a car and pull out his gun just because someone is flying the flag of their own country
What the fuck France? French anons?

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lol franceniggers reliably btfo.
armed revolution when, forgeating faggots?

Why was he so mad when taking off his hat? It also can't even hold a gun porrectly. What a little bitch

I mean, they are the French in the modern era.

Damn Frogbros. I thought protesting was your national pastime. Why deez pigs is trippin' dawg?

if the flag cant be held then the nation is 100% under occupation, easily casus belli for war

What in the actual fuck is wrong with France? The cops are acting like they pulled over a guy with a Nazi flag or something like that on their car. Pure insanity

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Actually it's worse than I thought (somehow.)
>In addition, it is also a 90 Euro fine for even saying the word "Liberté" (Freedom and Liberty in french)

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Oh user, according to the french government. Being proud of being french is as bad as being a Nazi. Obviously makes sense.

Just remember:
France is still occupied by Jews since the end of WWII

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More proof that the governments of the Western Nations are illegitimate.

We are under occupation, and the vast majority of our fellows don't even consider it, much less accept it.
>Death to Globohomo.
>I hate the Anti-Christ.

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French cops got attritioned hardcore by the GJ not even two years back, they quit the force en masse or literally killed themselves.

Since then its been a string of nonstop mass protests inpy interspersed by having to uphold lockdown bullshit.

On top, governments are extra desperate because mandates are ending soon either way, and they dont want to look like they are cucking to protesters.

They're saying the French police killed someone who was protesting
Are they shouting assassins?

Should have voted for Le Pen, instead of the nigger loving faggot.

get orders
obey orders

nothin else.

lmao @ the face of the female officer

What is it that the French say about foreign soldiers and thirsty fields?
I think it’s in their anthem somewhere

Jesus, I won't be surprised if America gets like that soon. I knew France was fucked, but Jesus

we can shoot back nigger.

>A negress steps out

Imagine getting pulled over by a nigger bitch and some fat mutt. Lmao. What a shithole country.

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