Why does the right fear an educated populace?

Why does the right fear an educated populace?

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Education is not science
Kids should be taught science, math, reading and writing.

because educated people don't vote for them...

I am not interested. I have gained enough knowledge in my travels abroad + the privilege of having access to the internet at anytime.

>t. educated populace

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Because it’s simply not necessary nor sustainable. You shouldn’t need a college education to have prestigious roles you can learn on the job.

kys faggot.

Because the highly educated vote for Bidens and Trudeau's you dumb motherfuckers

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Educated...or indoctrinated?


Why are you voting for your own subjagation? You're poor, sick and hopeless.

You can tell he's not left handed. Just did it lefty to stay out of the way of the camera.

Because a school that says something uncircumcised loses all of its Federal funding per Trump

Because there's only so many jobs available for highly educated people. You get an excess of those and the jobless intellectuals aren't happy working office jobs. They go and revolt.

>send kids to college
>they're now $50k to $100k in debt and brainwashed with self-hating Marxist garbage and trooned out and can barely hold down a job as a dog-walker
Gee, I wonder why?

despite the obvious bait opening post, there is an interesting topic at hand here, which is the effects of modern information and network sharing with on colleges. the internet does 1000x better than what colleges pretend to do. the benefits of college is:
>access to certain information
>access to pupils so you can build a network of educated people
in comparison, the internet grants:
>access to ALL information
>access to ANYONE that makes themselves available
singe colleges have become cesspits of leftist thought (nothing new, but it's went to an extreme degree over the past three decades), you're seeing the replacement crop up

We're against indoctrination of our children into jewish lies.

Educated and indoctrinated are synonyms.

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Fucking sub header says the answer, stupid.

Indoctrination != education

I was studying for Aerospace Engineering and as of last semester my GPA was a 3.75, but this semester I dropped out to go be an electrician. Classes were just mind-numbingly boring and the teachers were just reading right off the text book. Not to mention in those stupid ass required non-degree courses it was "white men bad" half the fucking time. Also half the student population was niggers, spics, and mudslimes. Fuck your higher education.

College turns you into a NPR totebag wielding, Marvel watching, Reddit posting bugman. It teaches you to stop thinking and trust the experts (who have the best college degrees). It creates the most indoctrinated midwits on planet Earth and then as the coup de grace convinces said midwits that they are purely rational human beings who arrived at these propagandized conclusions through reasoning alone.

I'm more concerned with the educators.

Sounds like the writer is afraid his degree is useless.