I have to wait two weeks to get this shit fixed because you faggots won't just get ur damn vax

I have to wait two weeks to get this shit fixed because you faggots won't just get ur damn vax.

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>socialized medicine

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Wow, maybe socialism isn't so great after all.


I hope the honking keeps you up for days at a time.

No, you choose to use socialized medicine. You pay for it, I get it. But you don’t HAVE to wait, I am sure a for profile hospital would get you in, but you would have to pay for not mommy government.

Stop being a pussy. Set it yourself and make a arm sling.

It's literally been like this for decades you stupid faggot.
You're just revealing that you've never had to deal with a health problem in Canada before.

How’d you break it?

Pretty sure that’s not fixable buddy.

Fake news. Nothing like that is being put on hold. Fucks like you will soon be dragged out of the shadows soon enough.

Maybe you shouldn't be a fucking idiot and break your collarbone during a pandemic in a country with socialized Healthcare.

The white coats want to be God, and they want to make you suffer.

cut the unvaxxed down in the streets
there must be blood

>Be normal white working man in uk
>Pay taxes whole life (probably 30%+ of your income averaged out over the years)
>Actually have a useful job
>One day genuine accident happens
"Could I have a simple opperation and a tiny bit of my contribution to the state back while i get through this difficult time and can return to work/pay tax?"
>No you can turn on a tap, no money allowed

This country is a joke

Seethe kike tranny nigger.

Literally squidward

good keep suffering you insufferable cunt

I don’t understand how me not getting vaccinated is preventing you from getting an operation

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K, keep me posted Chang

Ya that makes no sense at all

Funny, I just looked it up and there's a 1.5 wait at my local ER here in Arizona and you'd probably get triaged faster. We have a fairly high rate of no vax, so what's your retarded country's problem?

>I have to wait two weeks to get this shit fixed because you faggots won't just get ur damn vax.

You'll live

Have fun with your AIDS.

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I just had emergency kidney stone removal yesterday. Same day as admittance. Imagine my surprise, leaf medicine is cucked like the rest of the country.

shut up faggot, end your pedo globohomo tyrant

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lol lmao

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If the unvaxxed are not allowed in the hospitals who’s filling up the hospitals?

like all vaxxtards he fell for it and it did not pan out the way he wanted and now needs someone to blame that he aint in the utopia he was promised by his owners "if he just went along it would all be ok" but now he needs a new bad guy to blame

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This 100%

2 weeks? I wait that long just to see a GP, then it's half a year before I get to see anyone who can actually do something.

yea... because some folks wont get vaxxd the jew doctors (joctors) decided to host potlucks and kill a few old people instead, its the unvaxxd fault, not the people running the show.. yeah.

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Just fractured my elbow at work today, got right in and have a follow up in a couple days. Keyword: work.

awesome. suffer vaxx nigger

Lololol why does everyone fellate your social bullshit health system? I fell down 3 stairs because I’m a drunk and got a little boo boo on my ankle and it took less than an hour for my insurance to get me a X-ray, mri, and a boot with some happy fun time pills and I’m an unvaccinated fuck in a shithole blue state

>two weeks

Weak bait. You gave yourself up trying to be clever.

Orthopods are the biggest Jews. Calling bullshit. These docs are paid per surgery and want to work.

Try not being a faggot


legit man i had to get an out hours appointment for a long term issue and its going to take me two weeks

Pain is weakness leaving the body.

Lucky for you a fractured/broken collar bone is the most common and least painful break you can experience. In November I was riding scooters with a friend when I made a bad turn landing the whole scooter on my right leg. I broke my shin and 3 toes. Hands down WORST experience of my life. Had to have 2 surgeries. Being laid up for 4 months, barley able walk and do daily normal tasks. Now THAT is a bitch. I'm not downplaying your injury. I'm just saying it could a hellva lot worse.

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A fucking leaf
Usually it takes you two months to get it fixed

Privatized healthcare fixes this

In America you can walk right into the ER and get that shit fixed immediately. No socialized or cucked rules. Also if you don't have the ability to pay they write it off so yeah sucks to be you leaf.

wtf did I just watch

HAHAHAHAHAHAH you are going to be so fucked up from the fusing and improper healing.
Enjoy your VAX AIDS too

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How'd that happen? Looks like my buddy's mountain bike crash.

I crashed in a similar way and didn't break anything. However, 20 years later, my arm still has a bit of a pain on cold mornings right on the spot where I landed.

I broke my shoulder area in several places on both sides and split my humerus head on one side 6-7 years ago. I pretty much just rode it out until it healed, with not much help from the incompetent doctors here. It's just a slide thread anyway, but in any case, don't be a faggy leaflet and live with the pain until you get your treatment.

Op is a fag

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Pussy how do you even break bones weak faggot

Yeah my mountain bike buddy to crashed had the break heal all fucked up, they just sent him back to get cortisol shots over and over.

>riding a scooter
>needed surgery

walk it off faggot

Kys faggot

>fears he might loose his house
imagine... if you will... a man so jewish he has his arm in twisted in the shape of a Z.... and despite owning a house.... refuses to pay a single cent to fix this situation privately

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Good thing you got that free healthcare, right, ya bitch ass cuck burger. Go suck a giant bbc.

This person is actually retarded. What else could it be????

My vax status has nothing to do with your faggot glass shoulder. Leave people out of your religious shit!

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They are utterly terrified and actively blocking out any thoughts or evidence that might lead to the grim truth...

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cry more about it faggot

poltards are for the eugenics though, so anyone who breaks a bone should just die, am i right?

it just means you are not fit to walk this earth. it's the same reason why white nba players get way more injuries than black ones.

It's going to hilarious when all the vaxxed get AIDS and they still defend the vaccines and downplay it.
You're going to see these people unironically saying
"It's just a MILD case of AIDS"
And then the media will write articles about why that's a good thing.

blessing in disguise, he could work with this

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His taxes went to free housing for rapist niggers and cops checking mean tweets all day!

fuck kike (((doctors)))

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doesn’t appear to be a gunshot, what a shame

We're doing on purpose just to fuck with YOU. You will never get your shoulder fixed. KEKEKEKE!!!


wtf user, are you an 80 year old woman? Stop drinking the s o y milk get off the estrogen mimickers.

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Is this a dancing nurse spoof?