Honestly, I liked Putin but I didn't expect that LOL

President Vladimir Putin on talks with U.S. President Joe Biden:

>[...] You know, at the time of my struggle for power, back in 1999, it was in the first instance the Jewish people who only greeted with laughter my prophecies that I would someday take over the leadership of the Russian state and of the entire people of Russia and then, among other things, also bring the Jewish problem to its solution. I believe that this hollow laughter of Jewry in Russia has already stuck in its throat. I want today to be a prophet again: if international Jewry inside and outside Russia should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, the result will be not the Globalization of the earth and thereby the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Russia and Europe.

Attached: Captura de pantalla 2022-02-12 a las 17.52.50.png (806x1182, 808.57K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't even know why I even bothered googling that

Who makes these threads? Literally who are they? Why is the catalogue full of fake bullshit.

what does he has to do with European civ?

link faggot

??? You need to go to Bloomberg, it's in the frontpage bloomberg.com

>Based and so truuuuuue

Attached: 9be.jpg (983x1036, 117.95K)


I don't know, maybe because Russia is in Europe...

and given what you were being hopeful about, you can be forgiven

Youre a fucking retard, and nobody is going to search for an obviously fake headline.
You should share a link if it exists, but it doesn't, so you didnt.

Mods refuse to ban link-less threads

This has been going on since Any Forums was made don't yourself. This board attracts bored teenagers to post fake and gay for da ebic lawlz xd


Link or gtfo

This tread GLOWS.

I have just shared the link asshole...


You really are retarded aren't you? Downs or what?

It says nothing about the Jews retard

Schizos and bots

Yes, I have just checked it. They removed it, I don't know why. It was there 10 minutes ago...

No they didn't it was never there. Nigger tier faggot.
Stop bumping this thread, herb it like the Jewish shit it is.

Is this fake? No source