-PLEASE- tell me this is a joke

-PLEASE- tell me this is a joke.
Do zoomers really have this little of a work ethic?

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Zoomers are already checked out. They know shit is FUBAR so why even try?

didnt read and im not a zoomer but i dont really give a fuck about work anymore. let me know when i can 'work' towards something that doesnt involve feeding all the shitskins and niggers on the globe or stuffing le'chaim ephraims pockets full of sheckles

minimum wage, minimum effort
Everything else is obviously exaggerated

zoomer here

my retirement plan is a bullet in my brainstem

>Hello, please input your pronoun(s) before we can admit you.
>uhhh, but I've got major blood loss.
>Please input your pronoun(s).

>let me know when i can 'work' towards something
>let me know
...that's for you to figure out, moron.
>just hand me everything
you're a zoomer

It's not a joke. They are the most lazy and useless group of people ever. Thankfully, most of them will be homeless and OD on fentanyl.

Work hard so mr.shekelstein can afford a 3rd vacation home goyim!

nah, suicide's my plan before that happens.

I'm a zoomer fuck you I'm not working a stupid job for the rest of my life, and yeah I went to trade school instead of college to learn how to be a mechanic and the bosses thought it was a good idea to pay me what warehouse workers make, NEET life forever.

Yep. It's always been like this to some degree, but globohomo has cranked it up x5000.

Now, you're either in-group, or out-group. There's no middleground, and each side is diametrically opposed.

>They know shit is FUBAR so why even try?
We're waiting for the collapse of civilisation in order to become National Socialists and rebuild the world

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i 'work' the absolute bare minimum to pay my bills. i 'worked' for years at a big shitty corporation. im over it, i have a couple hobbies that fund me somewhat and the rest i grind out mowing old ladies lawns. i paid my tiny little house off years ago and dont have anything to worry about. i wont ever be rich and i dont care

>We're waiting for the collapse of civilisation in order to become National Socialists and rebuild the world
That sounds fun. What do you suppose your role will be after the glorious workers revolution?

>They know shit is FUBAR so why even try?
Shit has been FUBAR since 1920. Every generation afterwards has been expected to fix what the Progressive and Missionary generation knowingly and intentionally fucked up.

Attached: Missionary Generation.png (1630x1148, 464.07K)

>What do you suppose your role will be after the glorious workers revolution?
Hopefully a professor of racial theory, ancient Aryan history and literature. Or working in state propaganda.

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I also notice that "microaggression" thing in some of my own acquaintance's. It's like if you make one Faux-pas the mood immediately changes, they become distant and blackball you.

It really angers me, because I know that's what they're doing and it's petty as fuck, but if I call them out on it it's going to cause a massive argument and I'll never see them again.

zoomer bro, just know things have been fucked up since at least 1920. Not your fault.

Ah yes and professors and teachers are those ones who are indoctrinating younger generations, therefore they are responsible for everything what is happening today. No one have a balls to speak out against school education system to present some other and better model of the education for the kids, somehow this brave user has enormous balls to shit on his class and to put the blame on every student. No wonder why is everything turning into a madness, I can't even imagine what is this world going to look like in the next 10 years.

That seems likely. Surely a person with your skills, education, experience, and work ethic won't just be lined up and shot or thrown into a concentration camp with the other degenerates that contribute nothing to society.

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why put in effort?
pay peanuts get monkeys

Loyal foot soldier, preferably ascend to the officer corps of the new regime

Same lmao.
Or if not I'll cut hair.

I have quite a strong work ethic, and I'm not a NEET. I also happen to know the nature of the coming National Revolution, which will be a true trial by fire, because of what GloboHomo has created. How will you live your life when it's all over? Smashing beetles?

Zoomer here, you say this with a hint of sadness but that makes me the one eyed king of my generation. I WILL NOT STOP WINNING, I CANNOT STOP WINNING

The only chance of a future worth living for this group is a mass extinction event for boomers. And we literally destroyed the world for 2 years rather than let that happen.

18 Y/o zoomer here
>near zero problem solving skills
probably right but also i'm autistic and kind of retarded
>boys have almost no drive to do anything
personally. with how fucked and globohomo this world is. why WOULD i have any drive?
pretty sure i don't have this but idfk
>everything is phones
i hate smartphones
>feels like half the girls are on medication
idk i'm not a woman
>elementary schoolers horrified not to cover their face
idk either
>generation cheats more than i've ever seen
again idk
>toxic communication
i never really cared about any of that
microaggressions aren't real and calling you a faggot isn't violence you nigger wop
>a ton of them mostly girls identify as bisexual or non-binary
i am a straight man
>too afraid to express themselves
i don't express myself to people in real life because they are all too globohomo
i hide my power level like michael vick hides his dog fighting (does he even still dogfight? what the fuck is michael vick doing now?)
>social media trend
i don't care about trends
>little ambition. many convinced the world is ending by the time they're adults
i'm legally an adult but i AM convinced the world is going to either straight up end or be completely unrecognizable from anything we've come to know as civilization within the next ten or twenty years
>openly bash the founding fathers. don't believe in free speech because it's not inclusive. literally hate america
i hate the government we're RUN by but i don't hate America itself.
>only fans
what the fuck?
>boys with zero plan
i do. in fact. have zero plan.
my plan's basically either the rest of that sentence or i go full homeless schizo mode diogenes style
>very low attention span few girls read for fun no boys do
i read old weird tales pulp fiction stuff and classic literature
>patients got mad at young volunteers
i don't know
>stunningly fragile
i can and will drop fifty seven different racial slurs at any given moment.

T. 18 year old zoomer

This depends entirely on where you live. Sounds like pic related is in a leftist shithole

If only you knew how bad things really are.

This describes my 21yo brother in law and 20yo brother to a T. Even the ED part. She said found ED meds lying around in his room and felt really bad. I got that nigga some high quality Shilajit but didn't tell him what it was for kek

nobody post the video this picrel is from

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>Same lmao.
>Or if not I'll cut hair.
Oh don't get me wrong, I would do any job in a NatSoc world. I'd clean fucking toilets if I knew the world was being healed

This is why I like to be macro-aggressive. Really snaps them out if the spell.

>nah, suicide's my plan before that happens.
Why have you ruled out vigilantism? Fucking do something to make things better.

so you just roll over and die?


>zoomer on Any Forums doesnt identify with mainstream zoomer ideologies
this isnt a surprise. The post in ops picrel was talking about "normal" zoomers, user.

But yes it's true

> workers revolution
we're not commies, you stupid faggot
workers get sent to the FUCKING MINES

He is a retarded brainwashed american who thinks that NatSoc is a brand of communism

Are they suburban?

As a zoomer, shit's fucked and the world is retarded. Most people give up in the face of such odds.
Gas Operator (for use on weasily degenerates like you)

>we're not commies
Based. We're nationalists above all. And our race is our nation

>He is a retarded brainwashed american who thinks that NatSoc is a brand of communism
I know. I just can't compute that level of ignorance. Some people are just beyond helping

>-PLEASE- tell me this is a joke.
>Do zoomers really have this little of a work ethic?

too much internet.

it's the internet that's screwing up people

sucks to be you
get a landscaping job tossing rocks, trimming trees, and doing snow removal
you'll make sick bucks and stay in excellent shape
you might have to work with a lot of mexicans, but at least you can relax around them
don't relax around niggers, but niggers don't work hard jobs, so you're good

Zoomer here

Same thing I do now. Some sort of engineering. I guess your hypothetical dystopia could decide to shoot me make me be a farmer or something, but it seems unlikely to shoot someone loyal who can help build stuff, for no reason whatsoever.

If I do get squashed into being a farmer, or even shot, it'd be worth it for the preservation, growth and prosperity of the white race.

>so you just roll over and die?
no you spend your entire life in futile desperation trying to fix what 5 generations of retards before you deliberately fucked up. Fucking retard.

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do you not come here to think critically?
take your own advice

>we're not commies, you stupid faggot
Sorry, it's hard to spot the difference from where I'm sitting. Some whiny losers who do nothing to better yourselves or improve your lot in life, pining away for some utopian future where some authoritarian state comes along to un-fuck your life for you and somehow put you on top.
Your fantasy of a whites only collectivism will work out about as well for you as the useful idiot commie LARP crowd. If you were to get your wish you'd be lined up and shot or thrown into a forced labor camp to be worked to death.
All of you faggots need to sort yourselves out because no daddy Hitler 2.0 or other agent of some fantasy nanny state is going to do it for you.

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Society is like a girl who doesn't want to put out for us, so we don't fuck with her.

>If I do get squashed into being a farmer, or even shot, it'd be worth it f
Do you not know what NatSoc is? You have total freedom of enterprise!

Yeah, and lean slightly left. I'm a 24.5yo zoomer myself, but I'm on Any Forums and the oldest of the zoomers so I'd be a little different and disconnected from the general zoomer population. All my friends were 2+ years older than me. Anyway, half of male zoomers actually have views similar to Destiny, but without the cucking and homosexual aspects. Zoomers still make fun of fags among their friends and are mildly based, but not enough to make a difference. They're also almost all depressed and not on meds. This is for zoomer males only. Zoomers females are genuinely mentally ill

I got a friend that's the Nurse's friend and he told me this is a lie

Am zoomie, can confirm this is all true, left out that social anxiety has gone through the roof and the point on females having the dumbest opinions while acting like a cancel culture hivemind is very true. Relationships have also collapsed.

Boomers turn on the stove and complain that the water is boiling for no reason.

>o daddy Hitler 2.0 or other agent of some fantasy nanny state is going to do it for you.
No, we'll do it ourselves when the fiat economy collapses. That's the whole point. The working people are the nation

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The hanging man at the public gallows. I wont last long at the job, but it's the one I deserve.

So what will your role be in the new utopia? I'm betting you won't be one of the people who has to work the slaughterhouse or coal mines, right?
>I don't even care what happens to me as long as those who are more successful are reduced to my level of misery and worthlessness.
>After my brand of collectivism comes around I'll be one of the people that doesn't have to do any real work.

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> Sorry, it's hard to spot the difference from where I'm sitting
Oh of course, sorry, I didn't realise that an autarkist society based on strict hierarchy for the interest of a single race with market economy is in fact exactly the same thing as a communalistic society advocating the abolition of all hierarchy and total dependence on a state planned economy. My bad.

why feel so crushed
accepting death is the first step yes
but why feel so down?
>ahhh! the sweet release of death! YES!
you've embraced the darkness
now embrace the rage within yourself
and, and!
if you're sharp about your wits
you might just outlast the enemy
and live to see the paradise that lies outside this terrible valley of death

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Everyone better work hard so we can fund tranny story hour at your local library.

The thing is, if nobody has an attention span any more, the most you can expect is a white version of Africa.

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>we'll do it ourselves when the fiat economy collapses.
How much food and ammunition do you have put by to survive the collapse of civilization? What is your plan for clean water and sanitation?

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Concentration camp roller coaster mechanic

Dude our society better collapses to shit at this point, muslims overflowing protest and riots and shit literally communist RBI printing money out of thin air, lower caste given more reservation. 98% vaccinated what's there in the vaccine who the fuck knows, birth rates declining only people who didn't got vaccinated are muslims, we are utterly fucked at this point.


>>After my brand of collectivism comes around I'll be one of the people that doesn't have to do any real work.
Projection. We advocate private property and free enterprise. The best people for the right jobs. I'd be better suited for office work than mining or factory work, because my mind is more useful than my body

>printing money out of thin air
picrel and video related gents

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Found the loser with NO hussle and a little ass dick. kill yourself pussy

> So what will your role be in the new utopia? I'm betting you won't be one of the people who has to work the slaughterhouse or coal mines, right?
Yes, I probably would, though more likely it would be in the form of construction and public works. I'm in favour of mandatory reich labour service style organisations, similar to the draft you get in countries like south korea.

Who gets to be fuhrer? Do you guys have a constitution drawn up that I can read to see how your society will be organized?

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