Christian brethren

Christian brethren,

Ever since I repented of lustful ways (pornography addiction, fornication with girlfriends) and promised God I'd never coom again, I've been getting recurring nightmares of me falling into extreme sexual immoral acts. Everything I used to lust after just amplified to an extreme degree. The worst of it is that I enjoy it, but always wake up feeling horrible but thankful it didn't actually happen.

Is this what would be considered demonic oppression? What can one do to fight off these nightmares?

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but B != C

try meditating?? its satan putting those dreams in your mind as long as you dont wake up and start fapping to it you're fine, its the same as any other temptation

frequent communion
frequent confession
talk to your priest about it

Prayer & fasting. Gl m8 it won't be easy. I'll pray for you

trinity is pagan kabbalah

Attached: trinity kabbalah.jpg (1005x899, 121.2K)

anyone that believes this is bona fide retarded.

Dubz says you're a mason.

pray the rosary
demons are super autistic and screech like the little sissies that they are whenever humans ignore them and focus their thoughts on god.
a demons mantra is: Anything but god

Attached: why do i have a snake in my ear aaaaaaah.jpg (1080x1350, 206.75K)

Imagine finding reflections of the same eternal truths across varying spiritual traditions and deciding that makes them all fake and evil. Prots are pseudo-atheists at this point. Utterly irredeemable.

trinity is retarded

>become a catholic (elite created religion)
>infested by demons
Every time

Sounds like your being tempted, don't fall for the temptors tricks stay strong, pray & fast

Tell the demons themselves to go away in Jesus name you are allowed to use God's power
Pray before you sleep
DO NOT listen to the shills in this thread saying to pray the rosary that will cause God to depart from you

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>pray the rosary
whats that

Prayer towards Mary

I’ll pray for you brother. Only when you are truly trying to repent does the devil truly try to tempt you. Look at scripture based on how the devil tried to tempt Christ and his will. We live in an upside kingdom trying to gain entry into the eternal kingdom. Never lose sight of what beholds us in eternity. Keep repenting, keep being a Christian, and keep your faith strong.

I struggle too, but we most always maintain our posture, and being thankful that despite our sinful mannerisms Christ we have been graced by the ultimate sacrifice.

Spiritual warfare is real too. Play this and pray. Pray that the Holy Spirit enters you.

I pray that you may find the means to fight the temptations the devil may put in front of you. In Jesus name, amen.

the graph is not true
read the book of enoch

Trinity shit was always copium by retards who couldn't accept their fake jewish theology was made up on the spot and that's why it conflicts.

1 John 5:7

For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

That diagram is retarded.
Mental gymnastic to rationalize early (retarded) founders' interpretation of the retarded new hodgepodge religion brought together from the life and sayings of a very great man lived 100s years before them. Similar to Islam. Similar to Buddhism. (Jews were always evil, so they are different)

Trinity doesn't make any sense

Something very tragic happened in my life and the only thing that distracts me or makes me feel better is sex. I been hooking up with lots of slutty girls, even just average looking thots. I know it's wrong but when I stop for periods of time I get an overwhelming feeling of anxiety, dread, and depression. I feel like my life is pointless now even though I'm christian. I'm in a constant state of fear and sex is the only thing helping me cope. I can't stop thinking about the tragic event unless I'm engaged in sex or thinking about sex. I need serious help but I don't trust priests or therapists. I don't know where to turn

This is how I managed to destroy my porn addiction, after being free for 3 weeks, I didn't even feel lust anymore, I was happy, close to God and lust had no place in my life anymore, I didn't even care about looking at women outside, which to me felt extremely liberating.

However, I destroyed my streak after coming back to this porn-infested website, so I recommend you to leave Any Forums and all social media, it has no place in anyone's life.


Turn to God.

Embrace those feelings and turn to God. Let him bear the burden of those events which you cannot hold. You are not meant to carry that cross brother.

>Scientifically deducting a conclusion

I tried to pray quite a bit for a sign or anything. But I felt no response and just get a sense of barrenness. I don't know how else to turn to God. Prayer isn't working for me

Numbers 23:19
King James Version
19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?