Russian will invade Ukraine today

They have roughly a 5 day window where the ground is now somewhat frozen in Ukraine so they can run their tanks.

My guess is they invade today and take advantage of these ground conditions while they last.

Attached: russian-tanks.jpg (992x558, 174.7K)

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Blame climate change

Attached: AE37CCA8-21DA-4AA2-BDF5-D38B1D5D8736.jpg (828x826, 93.99K)

No, I will invade Ukraine.

How many weeks has it been?

Someone stop the madman

Russian tanks are notoriously unreliable, i doubt most will arrive

I have an extremely high IQ and I can see the world in ways that are different from most people.

Uomofagotto pls stop

Based Schizo-posting

the frozen ground meme again

ukraine has roads

I heard from my sources that the freeze will only last for 12 minutes and Putin has personally mounted up in a T-72b3 and is leading the assault

Media say that on the territory of Ukraine there was a big explosion with a shock wave that reached Donetsk

Yea and guess what's lining Ukraine's roads? Javelins. They can't really use the roads.

I saw a report about that, any news as to the source of the blast?

Russia already invaded and Nuked Ukraine and they are just projecting the Ukrainian signal to throw us off

every explosion is a nuke to retards like you?

they will move 1km per hour

They are going to rush Kiev and take the capitol as quickly as possible before NATO has a chance to blink an eye.

>source: i play HOI4 dude trust me

You will see. It is 4:41 PM in Ukraine. I will say within the next 24 hours they invade. Probably in around 12 hours.


Not before Liechtenstein takes it first!!

Attached: F3DC0AA7-788A-4A5A-AA48-16A784EDC118.jpg (1206x804, 205.49K)

desu 1km per hour on roads "lined with javelins" would is pretty ambitious, make it 30km per 24h. that's about as much of a rush they can do, but it would be staggering. kiev - idk m8, but they can "rush" kharkiv like this perhaps. take territory and negotiate, humiliate the west etc, but the capitol and regime change... well who knows

Two more weeks.

and then they strand their tanks in ukraine where they are surrounded by new nato-purchased AT toys

russia likes wasting money and soldiers but not usually to this degree

Looks like I'm right. This was feb 11. Ground conditions are much better now, but only for a few days.

>Yea and guess what's lining Ukraine's roads? Javelins.
that's what MLRS and howitzers are for.

If they invade it will be during the super bowl. First half if the game is good, halftime is the game is boring.