Mutts are the gayest nation on earth now

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Its nuclear waste, they needa mutant
Being gay also eliminates the reproductive damage issue

One would be lead to believe this. But it's not true. Denmark Sweden and Israel still hold these coveted top spots

It's literally fag Matt Damon.

you're wrong. USA is the most pozzed nation on the planet by far. It's the epicenter of globohomo degeneracy

American is the new term for sodomite.

even without the tranny getup, he looks dysgenic af

Fascinating shit. Germans, swedes, the french and the english spend decades to achieve and cultivate maximum cuck level and muttland shows up and outcucks them at the snap of a finger. American greatness truly knows no bounds.

if only the mutts were le based christians and had guns to stop it

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Man I wish we had loot n plunder

Maybe it's because I try to stay connected IRL, or maybe I'm channeling my inner journalist, but this stuff is a good thing. Literally everytime this faggy shit happens everyone I know IRL (family, friends, coworkers) always give the same "jesus christ im so sick of this shit" response.

You'll only get told this by people who trust you. To admit this openly means some fag will likely rat you out to the jewish bosses and get your ass fired.


Wishful thinking right there bro. You dont talk with tik tok zoomers or leftists
It will get much worst

Because of you, kike.

cope reddit nigger cope reddit nigger cope reddit nigger cope reddit nigger cope reddit nigger cope reddit nigger cope reddit nigger cope reddit nigger cope reddit nigger cope reddit nigger cope reddit nigger cope reddit nigger

More pics of the guy (Joe Biden's new Department of Energy hire)

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mutts have piles of guns but they rather suck them off instead of using it on scourge

all my keks and lels

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>It's literally fag Matt Damon.
Matt Demon.

They only know how to cope as collector at the end of day.

I don't think so man.
There are more trannys in the white house than there are regular people

No nation has as many trannys per capita in their leadership as America

christkikes are the reason for inaction

and nothing ever happens but descending further.