
Does God like Golden Retrievers?

Through the use of selective breeding and genetic manipulation, mankind took one of gods original designs, the wolf, and turned it into everything between the Chihuahua and the St. Bernard.

One could absolutely say that the process was "playing God" even thought the majority of it occurred before the majority of modern technology and scientific understanding. Quite the feat for hunter gatherers. If the same process was started in modern day with current technology, many would call it blasphemy, horror and heresy to inflict such change one something natural.

But...Golden Retrievers. Such a pure, brave, protective Shepard for God's children was not in the original design. Yet it's existence in our world and universe is unequivocally positive. One could even say the domestication process instilled a tiny drop of our soul into them...if you raised one from a pup and it faithfully protected your family until it's dying breath, how could you disagree?

So many things we have to be ashamed of at the gates...but surely the creation of such a thing, even in the alteration of God's design, would be a point of pride to our creator? Would he be proud of this accomplishment? Was it him, or was it us?

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my sister has had two golden retrievers. they're really nice dogs. her current one is still a puppy and you can already tell its going to have a nice disposition.

god simply acted through man, we are merely his shepards.

They are all still canis lupus.

we carry out God's will.
man has made equally abhorrent abominations, in life and machine. I see no mistakes.

On the invisible genetic level. On most normal metrics, if you didn't know better, you'd think a wolf, a Dachshund, a Great Dand, and a Pitt Bull were different branches of a evolutionary tree at best, if not separate species. That's a pretty significant change from the original design.

Selective breeding isn’t CRISPR or GMO which in my opinion is an affront to god. God gave us dominion over them and we have been fruitful with his creations. It is no different than turning an edible berry into everything from yellow cherry tomatoes to giant purple ones, we were destined and designed to do this. We have bred dogs for thousands of tasks they perform amazingly efficiently. I’m partial to chesapeakes though.

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You have a wrong interpretation of what God is.

So the line for you, morally, is in the method used to complete the task? Honest question. Aren't those methods you mentioned accomplishing the same thing through more delicate/technical means?

Well clearly this is a question with the traditional sense of big G Old Testiment flavor, what way do you interpret God, and how does you answer this question?

bump for Golden Retrievers

God hates everything he made, it all pisses him off, every bit of it.

Not at all, it’s cross species chimerism when you make a corn plant express bacteria toxins or a pet fish glow with jellyfish proteins. Bacteria and corn and jellyfish and bony fish will never fuck and produce offspring. Much different than say making a corn hybrid or goldendoodle. That’d be like a fury fucking a horse and making a centaur. Foxes and dogs can’t reproduce. Donkeys and horses because they have a compatible set of chromosomes but produce infertile mules and hinnys.


God is. God is absolute. An infinite consciousness with infinite creative force, whose mind creates infinite Universes, all apart of itself. We are part of God, an infinith part of God's mind, a neuron in God's brain, and God is also part of us. Don't take it in the pantheisyic sense, Creator is still above Creation, but they're also the same thing, to a degree.
And nothing can be an affront to God. Nothing can offend God. Everything we do is already part of him. Every interaction of every concept or particle across every situation and time is one that God creates, through us, parts of himself, and the particles and concepts themselves are too, a part of God. How can you upset the sum of everything, by using parts of itself? Does it upset you when the atoms that make up your body interact with eachother?

What is this? A cross over episode?

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Why is that?

Why do you think “recreation” is called recreation? We were created in his image. To answer your question directly in my opinion breeding plants and animals (essentially providing evolutionary pressure manually) is not immoral but inserting genes is.

Stop worshiping a dog as a god. There is only one God, one faith and one baptism and it is not your mutt worshiping religion.

So as long as the natural process, in original design, is still occurring, even under specific and arranged conditions, then the method is acceptable. So the line is natural reproductive method versus non-reproductive editing?

dogs dont come from wolves, that is a myth and has never been proven, pure theoretical construct with no basis in reality at all.

Who said anyone's worshipping the dog?

The question is whether or not God, in the obvious stated sense, approved of human beings altering his original design in an objectively positive manner.


Where do they come from?

For me, yes. A fatter cow is a fruitful and honest use of the system as it was created. A cow that produces orange juice milk and grows leaves instead of hair an abomination.

Makes sense, thank you for your honest input user!

>Quite the feat for hunter gatherers.
Most dog breeds originated in the 19th century.
Also, God is not a person who is going to get jealous that you made a better dog than He did. God is infinite and the source of all things.
Any ridiculous dog breed you can come up with already exists in the mind of God, Who exists in all places at all times.

No, CRISPR is trying to force the hand of nature
I expect terrible results

We just went a little overboard with the selective breeding. Eventually you end up causing unforseen problems. A couple decades ago, environmentalists were trying to rebuild and save salmon populations. They ended up destroying entire river ecosystems by mistake.
We like to think we have control over nature, but we're not as capable as we tend to believe. Essentially, we run experiments with the natural order.

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>1/5 has hemangiosarcoma
> 1/8 has lymphoma

You have literally picked the best example of eugenics sucking divine balls.

Right, but he didn't make them in the original 1st edition. Just wolves. So was it a good thing to have made the Golden Retriever, or no? Does he approve of us making things he didn't seem necessary, even if they are objectively good additions to our world?

Very based doggo

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Is that what anyone in the world thinks of when you show them a picture of a Golden Retriever, and they recall their life experiences with them? No. They aren't known for genetic defects the same way German Shepherds or Dalmatians are, which is why I'm talking about them in this example.

This as well, more often than not we are BTFOd by our great schemes. Look at all of the genetic issues in large dog breeds for instance hips eyes neurological disorders. IIRC a significant number of smashedface dogs don’t even survive birth because they can’t breathe bulldogs pugs georgefloyds. We dam rivers to stop floods and avoid droughts and are repaid with a giant flood when the dam fails.

I do as well, which we already see, insecticide resistant insects for instance, antibiotic resistant bacteria, herbicide resistant weeds…now you have to use multiple modes of action to control weeds and pests as to not develop resistant breeding populations and leave refuge spaces for the non resistant populations to reproduce.

To be fair, a lot of the health issues have come from massive inbreeding for profits.

>thinks cross breeding dogs is "playing god"
Might as well claim cross pollenating plants is playing god too.