How do I profit off of WW3?

How do I profit off of WW3?

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convert to Judaism

buy stonks

Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon stocks.. just to start

Buy stocks of western weapon manufacturers. Avoid companies reliant on Russia. As they we will be sanctioned to shit.

Learn how to make guns and then sell some to people who hate each other because you told one of them that the other guy said something bad.

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buy toilet paper

Avoid USD

You need to be a bank that lends to governments like Evil bank manager.
For small timers:
You can have raiding sessions like Soros and target rich joos and the like, gather gold and other such valuables and wait for the war to end.

WW3 can't happen due to MAD

Gold. Fuel. Weapons.

invest in gold

step one: don't die
step two: trade contaminated water for rat meat (don't tell em it's contaminated)
step three: repeat and slowly build your empire. but not too slowly as the cancer is going to kill you sooner or later

Both of these combined

you block the war with your truck

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>How do I profit off of WW3?
Don't bother, the time to invest in all the usual PMI corps was years ago, the returns on your pleb investments won't be worthwhile, the real money is going to come from investing in companies milking crazy, childless cat ladies.

Sell arms. To starving Africans. Sell your arms.

If you're dirt poor or a wagie? You don't. You don't have the capital to make any kind of difference. If you have the money? Look at the stock market history for the previous Russian conflicts. The Afghanistan shit, the Georgia shit, the Crimea and Syria shit. See what numbers go up and what numbers go down. Expect the same to happen once you notice a pattern, except that there are no guarantees that anything's going to happen in the first place. Then again, the stock market is a casino so whatever...

Arms? I sold my legs to buy Monero.

N O I C 33

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looting the dead & selling what you can find back.

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Are you a weapons manufacturer?
Do rou refine oil?
Can you do something useful for the war machine?

catch some women and lock them into the basement. you can sell them for the crypto and silver when shtf.

Buy YANDEX, it's a russian index fund.

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>How to profit

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Oil, the Russian army burns 600,000 gallons of fuel a day when on the move

Move to the countryside, away from nukes radius. Buy some guns. Don't start agriculture, because it means your livelihood will be planted in one place and you can't move freely, rely on hunting and gathering instead. When shit hits the fan, enable the survival for the fittest mode and forget about civility. Kill before you're killed. You like some girl? Just grab her fuck her until her Stockholm syndrome instinct kicks in and she becomes your bitch. Basically return to monkey.

own a central bank