Did the pajeets figure out the matrix?

Did the pajeets figure out the matrix?

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>So when a man venerates another deity, thinking, 'He is one, and I am another', he does not understand. As livestock is for men, so is he for the gods. As having a lot of livestock is useful to a man, so each man proves useful to the gods. The loss of even a single head of livestock is painful; how much more if many are lost. The gods, therefore, are not pleased at the prospect of men coming to understand this.

You are in Saturn with a bot net. It has nothing to do with Jupiter realm and its 53 moons. My Father Jehovah God is on his way by the way. Science filmed footage. Our forces are coming.

Regards his only biological son,

King Yeshua aka Archangel Michael


Science is gay and so are you for believing in it.
The 'space future' narrative is athiest propaganda.
Space colonization is a subversion of the faustian spirit.
Space futurism is nihilist cope.
Space mining will NEVER be economically viable.
You are a maggot who is too scared to conquer earth.
Space is not a horizon to reach for but a hole to stick your head in.
Space exploration is a waste of money.
Astronauts are not cool or brave they wear diapers and have no muscles.
NASA is a money laundering operation.
Want to know what's out there? NOTHING.
'Aliens' are humans black site operations.
Alien abductions = anal probing and cooming.
Living off earth would be the most hellish life imaginable.
Star Trek attracts low IQ copers.
Space fetishism attracts loser escapists.

No. Vedas was corrupted and becam poopooism(hinduism).

Poos and arabs are both white.

Lengths people go to to get attention. And no one even cares.

Larp more

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Nasadiya Sukta begins with the statement: "Then, there was neither existence, nor non-existence." It ponders when, why, and through whom the universe came into being in a contemplative tone, and provides no definite answers. Rather, it concludes that the gods too may not know, as they came after creation, and that even the surveyor of that which has been created, in the highest heaven may or may not know.[2]

The Nāsadīya Sūkta (after the incipit ná ásat, or "not the non-existent"), also known as the Hymn of Creation, is the 129th hymn of the 10th mandala of the Rigveda (10:129). It is concerned with cosmology and the origin of the universe.




No, but the Gnostics did

Don't they have the same goal - getting out of reincarnation cycle?

say that again in hell lol

Yes, that's why it's called Gnosticism, because the spiritual goal is Gnosis which is to break free from the false world created by the Demiurge (Great Builder) and to go into the true reality of the Monad (The Divine Architect).

> there's a reason the term Aryan applies to peoples of the Indian subcontinent today as all whites
>ut's the same reason that India's caste system was based on color

Good morning, sir!

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>there's a reason the term Aryan applies to peoples of the Indian subcontinent today as all whites
Yes the east India company
>ut's the same reason that India's caste system was based on color
Yes white, red, yellow, and black it was about the gunas not race

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the real indo aryan pajeets ascended and left the plane leaving the poopoo cow dung muncher behind
many civilisations ascended before including mayan