At least we're not fighting demons in WW3, right?

At least we're not fighting demons in WW3, right?

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When does that next LHC test happen again?

They're turning it on this spring. Double the power it had when it was last turned off a few years ago

We're fighting fort he demons in WW3, right

We are already fighting demons user, just not directly.

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Either fight the demons or fight WW3 thats your choice.

I'm scared.

The titans are about to wake

One day the insects are going come out of the ground. No gun or bomb will really stops them.
What's crazy is people will choose them too and others are going to choose to just bare with it all.
Its all so hard.

spoilers it's both

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We've been fighting them since the cold war.

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Eh me too actually sorta and I'm not even religious or someone who freaks out about "demons" or whatever. Some shit definitely got fucked with in the fabric of reality last time it was on, though.

Make sure to bring your chainsaw nigger

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We pretty much are . Demons come in many different forms desu.

Soon. The vaxxed will turn

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1ww becouse of slavs
2ww becouse of slavs
3ww becouse of slavs

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user, that's because you are the demons

>At least we're not fighting demons in WW3, right?
have you heard of the jews?

they aren't exactly demons... they're like weird monkey dog hybrids and they just zerg rush and eat anything living piranha style.

they use this weapon for last against us because every other method fails.

God I fucking wish.

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Wouldn't be surprised if biological weapons were used in ww3, so...

You mean like chinx and spix?

I'd prefer if we were fighting demons, then maybe I'd get lucky and get a succubus to ride my micro penis

We are fighting demons. Time, space (distance) are meaningless.

This is why we must pray for our enemies, so they can win the fight against their own demons, as we also pray, confess, and atone for our own demons.

The more of us that free ourselves and find salvation, and help each other, the sooner our former enemies will be released from their demons and begin to seek repentance.

(((Hollywood))) demons are not real, they are marketing tricks to make you afraid of their own manifestations. Reality is much much worse.

Thankfully Christ Jesus has transcended the flesh and has given us the ability to do the same, all we need to do is believe, confess, atone and worship (not return to our fallen selves).

Those who have succumbed to their own demons cannot worship, cannot atone, they are full of pride, there is no charity, no love, and no freedom allowed by their (((rule))).

There is freedom in Christ, not in Hollywood fantasies of what they want "Space" and Demons to look like. Prayer is much more powerful than Hollywood and the Norvus Ordo want us to realize. They are afraid of prayer and a contrite heart and want us to hate God, hate our Creator and worship them through fear.

Its all tumbling down for them, they cannot live in their own lies. Their house is divided and fractured, the Cult of Chaos always has this same end, because there is no truth, no love, and no courage.

It is all fear, hatred, and submission to the demons they traded their souls for (((power))).

Demons aren't real

jews are demons