What creates yesmen in society?

what creates simps? Can this be fixed or mitigated?

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This has roots in nonsense such as the catholic church, but evolved over time:


strongest biggest caveman fuck all cavewomen
weak caveman hide in bush and touch ooga booga
maybe if follow strong caveman women will touch ooga booga

Why the fuck are you so obsessed with them?
Are you sexually attracted to them?
I will never understand why you are obsessed with someone who is weaker than you.
Just do your fucking mission in life and stop giving your energy to faggots.

Single motherhood.
A culture obsessed with safety ever since WW2.
A society that has not witnessed war for decades, and has not seen TRUE war since WW2.

Yes, it can be fixed, but it requires massive social unrest. We are talking a WW3 type scenario where citizens get drafted or Civil War. When people go off and see the true horrors of the world, they will return a different person, and find that the bullshit they tolerated and put up with is not only a non-issue, but the policies they put in place to "deal" with them are in fact a massive hinderance to the society they come home to rebuild.

single mom detected

>A society that has not witnessed war for decades, and has not seen TRUE war since WW2.
War increased faggotry a lot, after WW2 everyone began to worship jews, who bought the whole plant with a discount, and began to become massive homos.

it fixes it self. they fail to reproduce

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>social conditioning at school
>young men get rewarded for behaving like young girls
>drug the boy out of the boy, i.e. ritalin, adderall
>either no father or a real asshole of a father
>Atheism+ steps in
>girlfriends on birth control and anti-depressants
>continue through college
>spend entire life saying "yes"
>only materialism and fleeting desires feel gratifying after a lifetime of dopamine stimulation
>masculinity not rewarded with anything tangibly short term except for the emulation of man, i.e. chad-lite (think jocks)
>most men are not like ^ this
>WW2/Vietnam/Korea was Babylon eating itself to get rid of disagreeable (masculine) men

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>what creates yesmen in society?

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So a move not directly related to the war itself but the displacement of jews caused faggotry to increase. Therefore the war itself caused faggotry to increased? You're fucking stupid. KILL YOURSELF.

for sure this

suicide pill is the only answer

I'm a bit of a yesman, but it's because I hate you and know you're just going to argue and whine and do whatever you want anyway, and I want to get this pointless interaction with you over with as soon as possible.

Society affecting evolutionary psychology.

Pretty girls create simps duh obviously

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low test

Add lead back to gasoline. The problem will be gone in 5 to 10 years.

Tits or get the fuck out


Willing to settle?

Oversocialization or the context that you owe society, instead of the will of your ancestors who only desired your happiness.

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