ITT post your highest level, most red pilled conspiracy theories

ITT post your highest level, most red pilled conspiracy theories

Whoever is called schizo or told to take their meds the most wins

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We've been in contact with the ayyys since the 40's and everything thats happening now is a last ditch effort by elites because the ayyys are about to reveal themselves to the masses

Nigger that’s the plot for the x files

There's one user on here who believes that the earth is actually just a mining colony that will be closed down in a few hundred years. If you see this, post your image because I forgot to save it.

Earth is a prison planet for dead souls all over the galaxy to pay off there penance I have been on this rock for 1000 years I do believe

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Satanic pedophile elites torture and kill children for andrenochrome and blackmail purposes

>mining colony
That's the ancient astronaut narrative.
Probably legit.

There are no conspiracy theories, everything has been fully covered in the Bible

All global leaders serve the kike elite and conspire against all of us.

No matter if 'East' or 'West'.

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Earth is a prison planet for a slave race of humanoids genetically engineered and bred by advanced reptilians for precious metal mining purposes. This is why we have such a fetish for lustrous metals like silver, gold, platinum etc.

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I’ll give you one, Whites are the true Israelites and jews of today descend from edomites and caananites

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check the hot sheets my nigger

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Agreed, even Kim jong un is a freemason

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Mining? Mining what?


That is a boomer talk radio conspiracy theory from the 90s

>consciousness is light
>all matter is fundamentally conscious at some level
>Human civilization goes back at least 1,000,000 years and is periodically destroyed by natural disasters/deluges
>The pyramids go back before the ice age
>The ancient japanese were aryan offshoot and predecessors to south americans.
>In fact there are only 2-3 principal races
>everything in between is just mixes. Niggers are below
>God is real
>Demons are real
>Consciousness survives death

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TPTB are doing a controlled demolition of the global economy to usher in a new financial system.
Once all the vaxxies die, the 4th industrial revolution goes into full gear with AI, automation, transhumanism, and UBI.
They will use XRP as the World Reserve Currency.

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The reason Fox News guests are 75% nigger instead of Latino, despite niggers consistently voting 9-1 democrat, and spics actually being a swing demographic, is because they have already collapsed the US dollar through QE and reverse repos, and they want the nation to split on ideological lines, instead of natural racial tribalism, because the kikes in charge are afraid of what will happen when unite-the-right becomes unite-the-white.

Space is real, but "aliens" are extra dimensional beings that just use the alien mythos as a cover story our feeble minds can accept

parallel universes are more than divergent timelines, they are all somehow loosely connected in a fabric, its not fully understood yet. blockchain being invented, with a distributed ledger has so many independent individual witnesses of truth makes it a universal truth across the fabric of the multiverse, and it seem to have gravity, pulling alternate universes more and more towards a single timeline

Thanks burger user, but thats common knowledge for deep water dwellers, they target the name of jews and want to cover it with dirt, unfortunately pol is infested with this mind cancer, similarly I would add the hatred of women, I don’t considered these vile abominations women in the right sense of the word

What are the political ramifications of three letter agencies and their embarassing stories. I even told my mommy. NSA got their EternalBlue leaked. OPM got fuckin hacked. Everyone with a goddamn security clearance PII is probably iust a TOR away. TR3B its out there. Antarctica lets talk about it shall we? Its too early. Jannies arent asleep yet. Soon for late night /pol

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