Riath Al-Samarrai, muslim sex predator at the Winter Olympics in Beijing

UK based muslim pedophile, Riath Al-Samarrai, chasing 15 years old girls at Winter Olympics in China.
Will China arrest him and put him in Chinese prison for life?

Attached: UK pedo Riath Al-Samarrai.png (776x960, 571.51K)

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source? proof?

You know the rules OP, no link means no bump

Kek, based

"British media journalist accused of ‘harassing’ Valieva".
Riath Al-Samarrai, the Chief sports feature writer at the UK's Daily Mail.
The reporter claimed 'very unhappy' Russian reporters tried to take photos of his ID after he questioned the figure skating star.
A reporter for a British newspaper has been accused of "harassing" Kamila Valieva.

Fucking muslim pedo pig.

>hates muslims

aight omies this ones easy

Get real, cat lady.

Attached: 1637104285699.jpg (743x904, 395.33K)

Muzzies deserve death by tousands chink dicks in commie prison.

Why do you support muslim pedos, user?
I really hope that Chinese authorities will get that subhuman trash, UK based muslim pedophile, Riath Al-Samarrai.

>Anyone with an Arabic name is Muslim by default.
I fucking guarantee this memeflag is the fucking subhuman bongshit.

Attached: Bongshit.jpg (1280x1280, 862.2K)

By the way, mroe subhuman whites are disproportionally pedophiles than any other group.
I can literally find at least one of these every fucking day.

Attached: White subhuman.png (1118x1012, 732.15K)

Are you a pedo supporter?

>Will China arrest him and put him in Chinese prison for life?

hope so

you sound like a salty muslim

Show your flag you filthy subhuman.

Attached: Anglo.jpg (620x421, 39.38K)

My gf got one of these super tiny fluffy white dogs last year and I hate it so much. I love dogs but this one I LOATHE so much I fantasize about choking it to death just to see his dumb googly eyes pop out of his skull. Stupid fucking dog I hope it dies in a fire.

Attached: 1505191123322.jpg (298x272, 13.1K)

we don't post white crime on this board. we pretend it doesn't exist.

This guy looks like his name is Fred Durrr

>man asks Olympic athlete if she’s taking performance enhancing drugs
>wtf pedo‽

>15 year old
Man, the world is so shit

Shitzu I can live with chihuahua I have to dome it with buckshot

Well the guy is a friggin samurai so who's gonna stop him

It's definitely more prestigious than yours.