F-250 driver here, stay out of my lane you faggots or I will crush you like a worm

F-250 driver here, stay out of my lane you faggots or I will crush you like a worm.

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Bike chads rise up

i legitimately hate cyclists

I enjoy hearing about cyclists getting run over

Rent free

I love cyclists for the salt they farm for me. Your outrage is delicious

fuck kykelists

Stay fat, in body and in mind.

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>i legitimately hate cyclists
post weight. all cyclists are chads.

I like cyclist, specially, the ones that drive into nigger territory. They're fun target to peg with a paint ball or two.

Kek has fallen, cyclist are all cucks

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All cyclist are goobers. Newfags don't know.

none of them follow traffic laws or signal, the niggers of the road. they also love to ride on twisting hilly single lane roads where it's incredibly easy to accidentally fucking kill them.

does the F-250 fly backwards or forwards

I've literally hit three cyclists over the past 5 years, always the same thing, riding in the very center of an otherwise deserted country road in rural NorCal, two of them got up just fine, barely tapped em, one was being a nuclear stage faggot so I hit his faggot ass going about 30, he has what I'm sure was a 3000$ bike, he did not get up. There was no one around for miles, I saw in the paper that he was found and taken to a hospital. I hope he learned his lesson.

me too also as well

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Beat the cunts. I carry a softball bat and screw drivers in my car. I keep a catchers mitt and ball with the bat and a put the screwdrivers into a tool pouch.

You have fallen out of favor

Based. lucky he didn't catch your plate

like so?
On actual topic, I'm fucking livid at how bike lanes and shit have popped up every where. In Detroit you have deteriorating everything, shit roads, shit schools, shit everything. Some liberals find the last few remaining places to live and somehow adding bike lanes tops the list of things to do.

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here's the vid lol, didn't see you post that lmao

Failed On Race Day
Found On Road Dead
Fix Or Repair Daily

Bicycles are for children and faggots.

I don't think he could remember who he was, let alone who I am lol

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absolute madlad
>you take my road? fine, I'll take yours!