Why is housing so unobtainable? I feel like I've missed the boat and housing will never be affordable

Why is housing so unobtainable? I feel like I've missed the boat and housing will never be affordable.

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You need to factor in inflation and that wages haven't kept up. So you are making less. While assets like housing have continued to inflate as the value of the dollar declines.

Its also supply and demand. People forget that when women were stay at home mothers and men generally worked, you had half the labor pool. Once women were in the market, the labor doubled and that meant wages could be cut.

Just like pay increases will lag inflation (taking a few years before it catches up), the workforce inflation took a while to level out too.

Just get a shed, format it like a house, and skip the property tax jew. Skip any and all taxes you can while you're at it.

>I feel like I've missed the boat and housing will never be affordable.
Yep. 2021 was the last year to get in. Sorry pal.

supply demand. immigrants came and bought it all out with their shekels

It's not.

>Russian demoralization thread

Attached: stage 1 demoralization.jpg (500x362, 23.95K)

Boomers turned it into an investment vehicle that has to keep going up, rapidly beyond even the rate of inflation. They were willing to let their own nations be destroyed in order to accomplish this.

> Why is housing so unobtainable?
You mean "why are all the cool houses unobtainable?" because you weren't there first and you aren't making enough money to compete with those that were.
Get a job that pays $100k+. Don't have skills for that? Stop watching TV and playing video games and learn some. Hate code? Suck it up for a month and study SQL 40+hours/week and how to use Excel properly instead. Take courses on Tableau and Microsoft Power BI (surprise: you don't have to be good at math to do any of this.)
2. Buy the best house you can afford with your salary and savings after 1-3 years of saving that is either 1) in a suburb in/near a popular liberal city or 2) perhaps even in an up-and-coming city if you can still afford it. Read business magazines and journals and look at where companies are opening major offices. Be willing to move to a different region in the USA to do this.
3. Sell your house for profit.
4. Rinse and repeat until you can move into a home you actually 100% like.

i can't wait until the day of the mass suicides when the boomers realize they can't sell their homes

This. Most loans I make are for foreign nationals buying investment properties.

They'll sell them all to Blackrock or foreign investors, right before the currency is reset to a CBDC and they invite billions of (((climate refugees))) over to rent to.

yeah as soon as i hit enter, i knew.


Get out of the major cities if you want cheaper housing. The reason they're so expensive is because there are people willing to buy them.

It's amazing how rapidly shittier the world has gotten since just 2006 or so. Pretty sure I'm headed to an early grave.

>Live a life you hate so you can finally afford the extortion fee that is a mortgage, and enjoy a house when you're 60
I fucking hate this system.

I know enough to know what your saying is true. 3-4 years ago.
I’m sure you being so educated saw the new ai that can code Based off a summary of what needs to be coded.
Where do you think this will lead? More or less money for the skill you think would change anyones life.
Your skill doesn’t matter when the power doesn’t turn on and you decided that’s all that matters.
Maybe you can code for food one day, doubt it tho.
Your advice is about 5 yrs old

>crime scene photographer
That isn't a real fucking job

Commie propaganda about housing is being shilled harder than ever.
>ze only solution is to live in ze pods!
I just bought my first house at 27, no credit, no money down. Get fucked you commie bastards!

Similar to what I did, outside of the improving my job prospects. Bought a house for what I could afford on a $0 down loan in a natural disaster prone area. Sold it when the market jumped 20% after most houses around me were destroyed. Then just kept trading up houses every two years, always aquiring more land and doing easy DIY upgrades to the house. Been doing this for 9 years and sold my last house for a $500k profit after 18 months. I'm currently financing $200k of a $1M estate in wooded mountains in a free state at a 2% interest rate. I'm also lazy and mostly retarded and satarted out as a wage slave making $17/hr. I don't have a shit job anymore, but I could afford my lifestyle on $40k/yr.

Bought a single wide trailer for $1000
Fixed it up for $3000
That's a few months of pay

What's the problem?

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unions and robots. your welcome

how the fuck that is possible someone must explain to me. especially in muttland, where you should think is so much space.

where are the creative solutions to this unsustainable situation on a societal level? where's the 3d-printed houses we were promised half a decade ago? that shit just doesn't make sense.

See I'm 33 and no one special, I just realized I could pay into a mortgage what I was paying for rent and decided to stop feeding the jew even if it meant living in a shithole for awhile.

Housing hasn't been affordable to anyone past late boomer age... b. 1954 to 1965