The possibility you may need a fourth booster has been raised

By the science!

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>Take the flu shot against three seasons agos flu
>6 times

yeah fuck off with that shit

only through endless vaccination we can end this pandemic.

Don't care. Let's these idiots inject experimental mRNA juice into their bodies multiple times a year so pharma can collect their data. Insurance shouldn't cover side effects, though. And I think that will become a thing real soon.

I really hope they go through with this. I lost my job over their vaccine policy and I desperately hope they try to push boosters on their remaining employees so that my former boss has to face up to the fact that it's all bullshit.

my college has no vax mandates and just ifted their mask "mandate" becaue "cases are low"
the real reason is because less than 40% of the student body bothers to wear them anymore and the impotent rage of the staff trying to get us too is embarrassing the uni

Lol uni jannies btfo.
This is how the mask mandate played out in my state. I live in the capital and even these libfags weren't playing along.

Holy fuck imagine getting the aidsshot just when half of the world is about to give up on this shit.

I wish my Uni was like that, I have to get tested weekly because fat jew governor said so


Theres no more new major variants
Theres no need to get the jabs anymore

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The third dose increases immunity, so after the fourth dose you are protected. Once 80% of the population has received the fifth dose, the restrictions can be relaxed as the sixth dose stops the virus from spreading. I am calm and believe that the seventh dose will solve our problems and we have no reason to fear the eighth dose. The clinical phase of the ninth dose confirms that the antibodies remain stable after the tenth dose. The eleventh dose guarantees that no new mutations will develop, so there is no longer any reason to criticise the idea of the twelfth dose. The thirteenth dose will…

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>Other studies have shown that while vaccines may lose some ability to prevent severe illness and hospitalization in adults older than 65, they remain highly protective in younger adults in good health.
It's ok, the vaccine is HIGHLY EFFECTIVE in people who didnt even need it in the first place

one of my close friends and respected teachers, a man who was skeptical of the vaccine but chose to get it in order to protect his immunocompromised family members, told me that he got an MRI indicating that he has tumors in his bladder which might be cancerous. they just appeared in the last two months, rapidly and unexpectedly, about 4-6 weeks after he got his booster shot.. he will be having an exploratory surgery on the 23rd.

i'm so angry right now. this guy never hurt a soul and dedicated his life to helping people. he didn't even want the shot but just wanted to keep people close to him safe. and i know there are thousands-hundreds of thousands-millions of people like him who are going to die in the coming years because of this bullshit. it's just so evil.

imagine getting the aids shot when studies have shown that it's not only worthless but actively harmful.

my father got the booster and his arm went limp, mostly paralyzed. He went to the hospital and they checked him and they found brain tumors.
he's 74 so I understand why he went with the jabs
I am not jabbed
my family has no history of cancer

They just started with the 4th shot here

>the booster shot wanes
>so lets give another, this time it certainly won’t wane (even though its the same thing)

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4 months? I thought it was yearly

kill yourself vaxxoid shills!

>man gets cancer like many ppl do
>muh evil vaxx

That's fucked user. I really feel for people like that because they're told the jab is safe and will protect them and more importantly, that they will 100% die without it. It's fucking sick.

So what chud? every vacccine requires 4 annual boosters to be effective.

This is misinformation.
It is a 3 dose primary series and one additional annual booster *for now*