How do we fix modern man?

how do we fix modern man?

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By rewarding him for his struggle.

didn't know he was broken

a bullet to the brain

kill all the shitskins and start a space based economy to ensure the survival of the white race.

Heavy squat.

if he's white he's fucked.. he can work all he wants but black cock will be fucking all his white women and show them GOD

Lol nigga u fo real?

Unironically National Socialism.

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we engineer a new one!

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Of course there is no point when the whole society is against you

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make them stop glorifying fictional characters and celebrities

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Modern man needs to stops posting narcissistic selfie videos on social media

it looks like he needs a wife and kids
except he's probably an incel

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ikr I do the same thing except in the shower, it's nothing new.

good boy points?

Which one are you?

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total societal collapse, forge the new generation of men in fire and let the weak die out

Give him actual purpose beyond consumerism and hedonism.

It was always like that, in fact is better than it ever was, life is shit from default, nothing any man can do, we were supposed to be hunting and gathering so we would die at around 40 from some dumb infection after a life in line with nature

This, I've stranded like this behind my laptop everyday. Doesn't matter for work or not. Just pretending to read something while thinking about my old days like this.

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i got my degree but i'm not gonna get a full time job until i have a wife and kid or if that job is making it in the art industry (degree isn't in art)

i don't like my family that much but there's honestly no point in moving out unless if my plan was to kill myself

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That hit a little close to home. Except I'm married and have children, but I feel this way.

Step 1: Having them get off of JewTok

You can't, because you wouldn't if offered a chance.

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There is no way to fix modern man, there is no foundation for modern man to stand on, his family is gone, and so is his race, modern man will consider of negros and spics in less than 10 years.

He needs Jesus.
Being a christian that gets involved with church will open doors to knew opportunities that will give his life new meaning.

btw that's 40 years ahaid of doing the same.

I wonder how Any Forums will be like. I'm 36.

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prime teen pussy else they will kill everyone

this retard has a shit job and a shit degree

I got a good degree, good science post grad and basically write my own ticket and define my own destiny at work.

I can tell my manager what to do and he will accept it because I am the expert

I just came back from a date with a young girl in my field sort of

the only reason to work as a man is for prime young pussy, that's it

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Lift heavy weights, stay away from GMO foods, get sunlight daily and drink plenty of water.

what a pussy lol

just send them to war then they will grow up

That’s called schizo personality disorder

Midlife crisis at 25 that‘s pathetic

And most importantly stop watching porn.

>how do we fix modern man?

if you are not working on blockchains right now and have no plan to get into it you may be a total loss

user, joining the military doesn't get you a gf.

do you spend most of your time thinking of black cocks?

Good post
But selfp screenshots are cringe

1 year of no-fap I'm literally an aeon now.

Redeemable for 5 minutes of female approvable and 1 mention of their name by their favourite streamer.

if you lived in america you would realize.. really fast.. that all of out white women crave black cock at night and the only way they will get fucked in a manner that makes them cum 4x is to have black cock 9" inside them and pounding them.

fuck you and fuck your slide thread. 1 post this id

Lol calm down leaf

We need something to live for or feel a part of. Modern society doesn't provide that.

if any of you had produce it, my job would be less cringe, but alas, we work with what we got
still better than being a fucking tactical memeflag to evade comments such as this

but it can get you a bf

Theres more to this story canacuck.

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>stop glorifying fictional characters
>posts pepe_science.gif

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I feel personally attacked

Stop making images about me you stupid FAGGOT GLOWNIGGER

Have some respect for my flag reversed Indonesia.

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the only benefit to college is networking. meeting people with wealthy families involved in finance. thats what you pay for at ivy league schools.

I was commenting on proposition for hiding my own while posting this pic in threads of related nature mr tricolor
I thought that obvious from the context

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