Why are Indians so much nicer than Pakistanis?

Is it only because of religion, or is it genetic?

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pakistanis have a superiority complex over indians since they follow a desert religion invented by people two shades lighter.

poo in the loo sirs

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Hahaha, poopoo patte.

>Claim: Indians are nicer than Pakistanis
FACT CHECK: Misleading
The assumption that "Indians (are) so much nicer than Pakistanis" is a blanket generalization. Such does not apply in the day-to-day world.

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I enjoy your posts

I've never met an indian who was an immediate asshole.
Indians were seemingly raised to be polite by default.

Confirmed Paki!

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They are mudlime pajeets. Not a discernable/significant of difference between Indian mudslimes and Pakis. Either Gandhi should not have them their own nation or not let a single mudslime stay here, but what can you say ? Just like Nehru, he time and again cucked India and its nationaist leaders back then

Islam tends to make people more "tribalistic" and asshole-like but your statement is certainly a generalization, many Indians can be "tribalistic" and asshole-like and i would even say sneaky and devious.

Are the Hindu Indians any better though?

How do Indians have time to shitpost on Any Forums?

we are the same. weak and meager

Sure, they call me from Maikrosoft once a month or so, but IRL I have never met a single Indian with a bad attitude, comparable to Pakis.
Sure, they are all “brown Jews”, but at least the Indians are polite.

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Pakis have an inferiority complex and over compensate with fake ego. The second point is Pakis are inbred to a huge extent and its caused brain damage.

Because Pookistanis have huge complexes, just take a look at them
>shit genetics especially coming from years of inbreeding
>rape babies of Persians, Turkics and even Mongols which in their case would be a genetical blessing
>hundreds of years of rule coming from Persians, Turkics or Mongols even now days they have a Persian ethnic president Imran Khan and a good part of their government is Persian ethnic group
>had to submit like little bitches and adopt the culture of those who conquered them
>no culture nor history
>no wars won
>stupid sounding language with stolen words from those who ruled them
>literally gets cucked anywhere they go even if they stay in their own country they get cucked by Persian minorities who are stealing all their women

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>invented by people two shades lighter.

I would’ve thought it was because Pakis are at least two shades lighter than most Indians.

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I have never seen a single paki who looks like this, not even an afghan, and I have seen more than I would like to see.

It's stupid to generalize people.

Not all, not all, but most...
Pic rel.

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Same thing. Pakistan is Indian clay.

They sure as fuck dont act the same in Norway.
Several Paki gangs, and rapists.
About 0 Indians follow this pattern in Norway.

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most pakis in the west are village idiots who overstay their visas
most pajeets in the west are semi-educated work visa slaves

Don't you want to feel a paki dick in you Nordoid?

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Makes sense, pakis should feel bad!
They are incredibly crude compared to their brother people, the Indians!

I have never met a bad Muslim, they've all been absolute bros.
Every single pajeet I've met is an illiterate drooling yessir who stinks like shit.

Are you gay?

Are you a Muslim or just cucked?

Muslims worship a corruption of the true god, whereas Hindus worship demons, simple as.

There's no thing as gay only what you're feeling at the time

Indians are such an effeminate weasley race. They are like low tier kikes but much dumbers. Also they are natural servants of kikes more so than even anglos. They are shitskinned shabbos goyim of the highest order.