How can you live with yourselves, having destroyed Europe and being slaves?

How can you live with yourselves, having destroyed Europe and being slaves?

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I hate americans so much its honestly not healthy


That was like 200 years ago, bro. Get over it.


love how some bongs are tryna guilt trip germans into hating russians too lek

the angloid menace knows no bounds

The jews did it. Not the common American folk.

I assure you, it can’t possibly be more than how much I hate other Americans and America

>destroyed Europe
lmao, get rekt

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I'm sorry Aaqib, I don't speak turdu. Can someone translate?

That assumes i gave a shit about Europe in the first place, get replaced and die out pigskin lmao

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amutticunts live with themselves becuase they are vile, stinky, brown subhumans who lack human emotion.

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>germans are eternal sore losers

Yeah, we whooped your ass in some war from before anyone here was born. You dont have to continue being salty about it.

You'd enjoy that wouldn't you. Unfortunately nthr natural order of the world has whitebois staying on top.

>falling for obvious d&c shit
>conflating america as a body of land, or american whites of only western european ancestry with globohomo and corporatism
if you fall for it you are most likely ngmi
they want you divided, they want you to be unable to work with people halfway across the world that you don't even know
if you fall for this shit you are probably some loser retard who was never going anywhere to begin with, your legacy will be shitposting
no one will ever convince me that this line of thinking is not d&c kike tricks or just blackpill retardation

I was wondering where the rent free yuro threads were

You destroyed Europe.

We white European descendants all got fucked by the jew stop it

Whites are dying out and white countries are losing their hegemony, dumbass chink

This. They destroyed our country first, now they're moving on to other white countries. I fucking hate what we're doing and have done as much as you, by the way.

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>A proxynigger sucking 1id's cock

Y'all ever get tired of this? Why don't you shit up the pokemon board instead?