What are the implications of CIA spying on Americans without permission?

What are the implications of CIA spying on Americans without permission?

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user you voted for the representatives and president who passed these things. If you don’t like them, vote for someone else.

surely they will be held to account

Americans are retarded cattle

idk what were the implications when we found out 10 years ago

What's the endgame of every group leader and group member being promised all kinds of things for obedience without coherent rules or to break the rules set by people with sense.

You retard this has been going on for 20 years and they don't allow you to elect anyone that will change it

it was legal en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act but it's illegal since 2020

And NSA, FBI, contractors, social media, banks, …

>trying to intimidate me
The CIA fucking sucks holy shit

The CIA was trafficking children.
Anyone involved can fuck off.

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Fuck glowniggers and also regular niggers.

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They're begging me not to end them.

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project stellar wind, reverse engineering criminal cases based on keyword search, use parallel investigation using data from an algorythm to pre select criminal cases based on asset

>implying Americans have rights
Citizens United, Patriot Act and the NDAA 2016 removed any, all Constituional rights Americans had

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prove it

The implication is that king Terry was right all along

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What kills them the most is that they're never going to harm a child ever again.

surely they have something useful to show for it.
or did they just get a set of pictures titled "my asshole"

the implications are that our rulers have no idea how people work outside of computer models and expert reports.

It's why the Fed's can detain you indefinitely without any charges and they have your entire phone, internet and banking history. If you think you can exercise Constituional rights like privacy and the right to face your accuser in court, then you don't understand the kind of system you live

youtu.be/nT-TGvYOBpI accelerate and purge motherfaggots

just read what they say.
it says parts of the federal government have the authority to strip you of your rights in the event of SUSPICION, you will be labeled as a "terrorist" then shipped to a jail (possibly outside of the country) where you will be interrogated

why does Nobody care about me

what is this like the 5th time they've been caught and nothing happens because everyone who could do something is scared about how much shit they have on them?

>without permission?
Why would Americans give an unaccountable government spy agency permission to spy on them?
>please spy on me
The Frankenstein’s monster of Cold War aggressions should have been dismantled in the late 80’s.. they only exist to gain more power for a centralized bureaucracy now, and it’s likely been infiltrated by globalists/communists

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The federal government has been ignoring the law for years, they are not going to change without being forced to change.
Trump had a chance but the swamp republicans hobbled his as best they could.
America would be a better place if Putin dropped a big bomba on DC.

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>you will be labeled as a "terrorist
Funny how they're calling white men terrorists in the media. What coincidence

standard operating procedures.

What happens when every politician is compromised?

yeah this

You'd be considered an enemy combatant. The war on terror never ended

>The federal government has been ignoring the law for years
> they are not going to change without being forced to change.

dunno but as long as I have my private internet access VPN I was told by the youtube alt lite that I'll be right as rain

sorry what?
some ex mossad jew went around acquiring VPNs and the review sites?
well how does that affect anything

They can kill and blackmailing every leader, and boomers don't think this is a problem. Had a boomer tell me that just because the government did bad things in the past (CIA assassination of Iran President, MK Ultra, Contra, etc) they are not doing bad things anymore. Completely brain dead generation

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look around, everyone is unhealthy and unhappy

whenever these people consider that what they're doing to me is wrong they say, "oh we'll just apologize to him like we apologized to Puerto Rico"

Following traitorous SOPs still make you a traitor deserving of the death penalty


Are you internet historian?

i will literally behead people with a baseball bat if i get into power