I have an idea for a Any Forums game please rate it

It's Stardew Valley meets Space Station 13 with a bit of Rimworld. It takes place on present day Earth, but as Any Forums views it: dystopian, controlled by Jews, racial. Globohomo slave matrix to the extreme. It's not about the gameplay but rather trying to create major changes in the world (release viruses etc). It's round-based online multiplayer with about 120 players and each round is about 2 hours. You roll a random character for that round, you could be a Jew in a position of power, typical goyim, billionaire, homeless, guy stuck in a shitty office job with a house, the president, a cop, black criminal, Xi Jinping, you name it.

Attached: file.png (1615x908, 2.26M)

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all i care about is player housing

yeah you build houses but like in real life the Jews are always trying to take it away from you

Holy Checked. Just a simple man, looking out for others.

Why do retards like you think Stardew Valley was some new concept and not a ripoff? This isn't the point of the thread it just annoys me every single time faggot niggers treat it like it's new.

Sounds like a shit idea. Way too complicated for a single dev. Also if you want to make it "based" and a game thats made for Any Forumstards it will be shit anyway.

T. made a few games myself

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Interesting. What vectors for change would there be? Would you win by getting a fascist mayor elected in a local election, then snowball the new NSDAP? Blowing up power grids? Producing deep fakes that cause an international incident?

How would players specifically go about collapsing the dollar?

round ends when humanity is extinct by some terrible event of their own making (virus, AI, etc) or players vote that a "checkmate" has occurred and the round isnt worth continuing aka theyre just bored of that round now

Sounds like it wouldn't be very fun to play. Not that I want to discourage you from making based games, but this sounds like a game idea from someone who's never tried to design a game. They can't just be cool ideas, they have to make people play too.

You sound like a kike trying to stroke your ego with a kike game lol

Also just wanted to add that I might just not be seeing your idea very clearly.

it's basically Space Station 13 but in "Any Forums world". (and in a better engine)

Someone should make a non-pozed civ game.
If you let the gypsies into your civ then crime and civil unrest increase.
And if you let the kikes in then it's game over.

The civs should be more realistic in that only Euro and Asian civs, as well as the USA, should be able to win the game.
Sure, you can play as the Zulu or Aztecs or whatever, but you aren't going to win.

The religion-system should also be more realistic.
The Christian religions (Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism) should give the most bonus followed by the Muslim religions (Sunni, Shai) and so on.
Fake religions like hinduism should only give cultural points.

Just mod Spacestation 14, all opensource (including engine) and do away with the faggot Beyond engine

if done properly sounds like it could be really good. make sure you stay anonymous though the media will go bonkers.

It's a poorly made copy of Harvest Moon.


is this the Jas thread?

yeah cause christianity was the reason European civilization was (formerly is) great

Attached: 3A9F0CD3-CA90-42A8-AD2B-94E0340FAFC5.jpg (1080x1431, 453.02K)

>pol/ game
the only good game would be a similar Deus Ex game, but with some NPC's just naming the jews and having collectibles of black-crime-FBI-statistics notes. Maybe some Islamic terrorism and a poojet india level. well then you already got the best game ever made.

Attached: Taito_Legends_2.webm (1920x1080, 1.29M)

doin my part