Where to get water?

What are my options?
>tap water fluoride and birth control and god knows what else
>bottled water leaks plastic
I don’t have an option to get water from a well, and a distilling setup is too expensive for me at the moment
What’s my best option? I was thinking bottled water but I’m not sure

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collect rain water

distill natural spring water user.

Reverse osmosis filter.

But yes, you do have the option to get well water, just buy a house that already has a well or lane zoned for it. Still use reverse osmosis if you do.

Reverse osmosis filtration system. Ive had mine for a year now and fuckin love it.

You might be able to hand drill a shallow well. Collection into a cistern maybe. You're gonna want some kind of filter. You could reverse osmosis filter tap water. Some kind of diy distiller?

People are so lazy. You'd be surprised how easy it actually is to live innawoods. There's food everywhere. You just gotta learn your plants.

Also while the sort of RO filtration system that you install under your sink or to the entire home’s water supply can be pricey, you can also find countertop units that just attach to your faucet for around $200

You could always build and airplane and fly into a cloud that has water in it.

we all know satan doesn't know how to get water, don't listen to this guy

>asks his civilization
>where to get water?

>What are my options?

I harvest rainwater from the downspouts that come off of my roof. The water that comes out of my storage tank runs through a series of particulate filters and I keep the storage tanks sterilized with small amount of chlorine (2 ppm).

Why cant you have a well drilled on your property? My well is 650' deep join the true patrician water consumers and get a well

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Solar still your piss.

Literally illegal in some states


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Buy a still and distill your tap water.
But make sure you take electrolyte tablets if you drink this water during physical exercise or times you sweat a lot. It's fine if it's with a meal, or for cooking or whatever else.

A home still is only a few hundred bucks and will also keep the room it's run in warmer, so much of the power price of running it if offset in savings to heating.

you can get bottled water in glass bottles

You go to a river in the mountains and collect it, or you buy bottled water.

Yep used R/O for 15 years until I got a house with a deep ass well now I use regular 3 stage big blue particulate filters.

I like to flavor cactus water with syrup and sometimes sliced pinecone to feel extra fancy.

I got an under sink reverse osmosis filter and it has its own tap on the other side of the sink. 350 euro

Add a UV light filter after your particulate filters. Even better if you can add two, an extra one after your hot water, especially if it's a large capacity.

Very minimal cost and great benefits.

Those are worst than a still for filtering out the shit in tap water.

How do you even keep insects out of wells? Did they used to send in a narrow skeletoned individual to skim them off the top? Why not just a bigger well? Because then people would get curious and then see they're drinking rodent, bird, and insect tee.

Modern wells aren't open. They're a pipe and a spike with a pump at the top.

I guess cheesecloth would work but wouldn't it eventually get moldy too? Why not just an above ground water catcher? Were Romans just smart because they weren't poisoning themselves?