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>Pussi Bussi

>Paesi Bassi

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based italy

Italy and Austria, the two Med nations, combining for 24 medals. Damn.

Italy isn't just med THOUGH

Austria, mediterranean.....sureeeee

>Paesi Bassi

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based austria is rightful Italian clay

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Germans really are the master race arent they

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That's actually not bad considering the US and China bring in 10x the amount of athletes

>Paesi Bassi
what the fuck italy?

>We make-a da best pizza anda pasta in Giappone

We are not snowniggers, these are not our games

It means "low countries".


It means Pussi Bussi

>tfw walked outside today and saw a bit of snow
Seethe harder medboys

Beaten by John Cina and the ROC.

Eileen’s medals are USA

>Passie Bassie

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