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Amazon shills the radio waves so hard. Every dj and channel bring up Alexa every chance they get.
Now I heard them say how they are playing this song while "you work moving boxes for amazon"
weird programming shit
I remember an ad for amazon that featured a kid that was all proud of how mommy worked at the "smile" company or some shit when he saw the boxes.

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>mama boy want to enslave the whole planet to fund his childhood fantasy

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That's okay, there's billions of shitskins ready to be imported who will be happy and honored to be paid peanuts.

>hmmm should we improve our pay and conditions?
>no let’s keep doing what we are doing until we implode

Ah yes, more shilling for immigrating the 3rd world.

they're too dumb to put the boxes in the right container

its insane how brainwashed normies are
i got in to an argument on a normie site a few days ago, and i forget the exact thing said but it ended up with them telling me to use my alexa to look something up

every fortune 500 has incredibly high turnover rates
I was employed at Google for 6 months before I got a better offer through a headhunter

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They don't think themselves as smart? They should be able to automate everything then.


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Last Christmas Period in the UK they were giving 3000GBP bonus if you survived there for a month. Funny thing is, they were not firing people right before the full month, they knew there is no one to replace them available on the job market.
Amazon, too big to fall tho?

I almost took a job here with the same bonus (but 3k USD for 3 months)
So glad I didnt

I worked at a DSE with 60+^% diversity. Their effectiveness ratio was subterranean. They have gone through 3 site managers in 2 years.

Just two days ago, another DSE had a hard reset in drivers' itineraries setting back deliveries an entire day. And we haven't even begun to deal with the effects of the Honkulution up north yet.

even pakis won't work for the amazon distribution centre near me, that's how bad it is

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I have a theory about the populations around anywhere they set up a new warehouse. The people aren't just burning out on Amazon. They're burning out of work completely.

They've successfully extracted ALL of the value these citizens had and spit them out as dead weight for society and the government to carry for life(which is very long thanks to modern medicine!)

And dont worry the same people who complain about wages will support those migrants coming in

the literal scrooge would rather let his business fall down than give better wage and working conditions lmao theres nothing wrong with amazon as a store other than shitty waste of time job that could provide everything to everyone around the world

What does "burning through workers" mean? Overworking them, then discarding them away like a disposable resource?

A future article
>Why high immigration levels of skilled and unskilled workers with ultra-low salaries is good for the antiwork movement

why is it so bad?
3000 bucks for a month seems amazing
it can’t possibly be that bad?
i break my bad laying carpet every day and heaving heavy ass carpet rolls and i’m thinking about getting a new job

brutal conditions, psychotic management, shit pay

They actually pay well for the type of work, it’s just horrible conditions apparently