Was the Soviet Union really that bad?

Was the Soviet Union really that bad?

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Yes Have you not read any of the countless books about the Gulag system. The secret police torture rooms? The mass starvations?

Yes it was. No amount of staged propaganda photos will change it retard.

>forced labour

For sure not a NEET paradise.

yes it was

For working people who wanted to have a stable and guaranteed life it was a heaven.

It was not as good as commies portray it
but not as bad as right wing zoomer chuds from west portray it.

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I'd expect another American to ask a question this historically obvious

Was National Socialism really that bad?

Yes. Their government was even worse then our hours. Not much anymore.


Im going to rape your mothers asshole until it rips/tears and bleeds.

I hope they are making cleaning supplies



Just don't commit crimes bruh lmao

Was hunter-gatherer tribalism really that bad?

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Every commie totalitarian state - Soviet Union, Mao's China, Khmer Rouge whatever the fuck republic - killed untold millions of their own populace through agricultural reform. It's not due to any authoritarian death squad streak inherent in the nature of these states, it's due to letting planned economy run rampant and cause suffering on a humongous scale. These states are highly inefficient, and even when they use slave labor it's just an exercise in futility (road of bones, siberian railway etc). There is no one to correct these ideas so they run out their course (see Lysenkoism). Stalin was evil because he was a true idealist who did not compromise on the Kulak question. This is also why current status quo is better than any hellscape Any Forums could come up with to correct it. Let us wallow in entropy, please.


you going to cry, take a jab and bend over for nigs

“they had some pretty white people in Russia!” isn’t an argument for communism, OP

>This is also why current status quo is better than any hellscape Any Forums could come up with to correct it. Let us wallow in entropy, please.

Really nice observation user. Sometimes this place has some hidden gems like these. Also a good criticism of commie states in general.

>commie blocks
>jewish propaganda disguised as anti-church liberation doctrine
shit place m8

Now let's see the resource management of that institute on the left, how much power and goods are they using, how much money are they giving on salaries and for how long can it keep running considering it doesn't turn a profit, it's one among thousands of similar projects and will lead to total collapse of the country in a couple of decades.

the US has the larges prison population in the world in history and the most immigration even anywhere.

i'm certain it was better before globohomo stuck its tentacles into all their holes

Yeah, it was bad. The U.S., Canada, Australia and Europe are now experiencing just a taste of what it was like.

>the USSR was bad because they imprisoned criminals and made them work

In any type of political system, there's a sweet spot. That sweet spot works because it's sane. Eventually that sweet spot changes.

The chaos comes from those who attained the sweet spot not getting the fuck out of the way so the next set of ideas can bring society to the sweet spot.

Repeating communism or fascism or whatever over and over with no clear regard for external factors is doomed to fail no matter what.

they weren't allowed to handle anything other than water and food dyes

Yes you are right, but I don't think modern system is sustainable either. It was castro I believe who said the earth would've collapsed if every chinaman, indian consoomed and polluted as much as an american, imagine every indian going to work on a car, living in single family dwellings the amount of waste the amount of pollution would be devestating.

I think your comment on preserving the status quo is quite interesting and thoughtful to think about but I fear the status quo might not last longer. The system as it is might collapse.

>>commie blocks
In the US we just have homeless sleeping on the streets
the US has the highest rate of incarceration in the world in history.
>>jewish propaganda disguised as anti-church liberation doctrine
says the boomer who couldn't read a 14 page pamphlet.

you retards never mention the most relevant metric. capitalism leads to importing niggers en mass.

The people were honourable but the state was corrupt. The USSR had to fall.

Communism is atheism. That's all you need to know.

It wasnt. You had your basic needs and shit. It can work in fully white westernoid society like in scandinavia. It sucks if you are individual and smart.

Show real flag

And it was still miles better than the degenerate west.

People from commie countries are the laziest and biggest, thieves out there.
Yeah bro, good people, ratting you out for this or that.

compared to what?

It can be simplified like this Jew control period and post Jew control period.

During the Jew control period (from beginning to end of Stalin) it was brutal. Mass starvations, mass killings, lots of people dragged off to gulags and worked to death/murdered there.

After the jews got removed from complete control and during the post stalin period the quality of life heavily improved for the average person and really wasn't that bad by the end. Not saying it was ideal and there were still gulags, media control, etc but it was nowhere close to as comparable to the kike period.

yes no die commie

Retard spotted.

Not bad at all if you love race-mixing harmony, if you love Soviet propaganda, have you seen Stalin's favorite film "Circus" (1936)..?

Attached: Цирк (советский кинофильм, 1936) Circus (Soviet movie film, 1936) classic poster.jpg (500x686, 130.93K)