A crazy bitch comes to your door with spuku eyes

>a crazy bitch comes to your door with spuku eyes
>stalks you on facebook
>acts passive aggressive
what do?

Attached: 6F330BBA-2B8C-4E87-A89F-E3634B389AD7.jpg (828x1341, 552.8K)

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video for context

>if we shitpost on faceberg this whole time, a 21 year old cutie would have showed up to our door
We fucked up big time and missed out bros

I wouldn’t answer the door. Simple as

Canadian bitches are horrible.

Open the trapdoor

Show her why only men should be police.

>Look out window
>Point at no soliciting sign
>Go back to video games

>still hasn't taken down her christmas lights
Lazy bitch.

Assault her and imprison her in my sex dungeon basement, then rape her to death slowly over the course of several weeks while I videotape her agonizing death then sell NFT of it on the darknet before retiring to Venezuela where I will become a drug lord and pimp of Venezuelan prostitutes to Israel, thereby becoming an international drug kingpin and sex trafficer to Israel. Once this has been accomplished, I will blackmail Israeli politicians into flooding their own borders with undersirable, anti-Israel mudslimes and subversive somalians while promoting degenerate, race-mixing propoganda until every Israelite is bred out of existence - after all, diversity is our strength. This is the final solution.

>close door


lmao this bitch makes 6 figures

I'd do a 360 and walk away

Someone needs to upload that pamphlet.

Dumb. Shes a cutie id rather do a 180 and walk right into her

This makes me want to fap
Anyone got the webm of that female police officer getting raped by that gang in the parking garage?

Well, not going to lie. I expected a different conversation. The lady also sounded like she was expecting a different conversation.
Probably comes down to an intimidation tactic but sending the timid shaking female made it weird

this is just a veiled threat that they have their eyes on you

>literally visiting your house after you post something online
>veiled threat that you’re being watched
Pick one

Qt police girls can watch me all day.

dont be fooled, the tactic was clearly intimidation, the problem here is that women aren’t intimidating

they act like passive aggressive little brats, thats the way they show you that they want to control you, just look at her eyes

I wish I could see that same bitch trying to do that to an actual man

Notice of Trespass, demand it leaves or be subject to a retro-active fine of $1,000,000 per occurrence that is payable in gold or silver coin at face value (of the coin).

people have been leaving them up longer this year because civilization is collapsing and christmas is nostalgic opiate. it's not laziness, it's a sign of the times, have a little awareness.

They disguised it as handing out pamphlets and being proactive about the upcoming protests. That makes it a veiled threat

yeah come to think of it its not so much a threat as it is intimidation, scary shit
>implying she's the one doing the watching and not just the low ranking expendable grunt they send out

I wanna peaceful protest all over her tiddies