What will future archeologists say about America?

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Dios mio. That's all they will say.

Hopefully we can get someone decent elected who can undo all this shit.

The opposite of renaissance

Americans are COLONIALS

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Vaccines and autism are correlated, and they're the consequence of this mess


When the scientists find our remnants, what will they say?
When they find our bloated carcasses
ridden with sickness and cancers, what will they find?
And what...what will they say?
Will they recognize our self-abuse
as a product of the abusive hands that molded our lives?
Or will we remain, a mystery?
Deformed from malnourishment
our blood coagulated and inced with disease:
the preservatives, the alcohol, the cigarettes.
The meat we gorged ourselves on,
for all those years.
Will they recognize our self abuse
as a product of the abusive hands that molded our lives?
As experts scratch their heads
as doctors shake their hands and wonder what we've done.

That's also implying there will be archaeologists by this time.

>I-It looks weird so its bad ok? Its just is
>Meanwhile the normal-looking incompetent and corrupt goverment employee is okay because he wears a suit!

We’re not voting our way out of this shit kid

They’ll say we worshipped niggers

They will find out the bone structure is male.

Our era will be politely memoryholed. You can't show any of that shit to children.

There will be one, and ONE ONLY

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This culture believed gender was a spectrum, but all we can find are distinct male and female skeletons. It must have been ritual.

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Your nose, brow, and shoulders are a dead giveaway.

>will say this
America is a failure of the human experimentation.

>We come to find that they worshipped dark beings as Gods and erected statues in their honor. What a strange religious practice.

If we get a guy like DeSantis, he’ll absolutely oust these weird trannies and unqualified niggers that Biden is shoehorning in. He’ll also come down on military brass. The main issue is that these types of whackos are being churned out at the college level. We have hoards of young minds pursuing nonsense degrees and getting their brains melted.

They will recognize it as the greatest civilization that ever existed.

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Care to post some reasons why you conclude that instead of a picture of a rocket (German tech) that literally ragheads have?

The ”weird tranny” in this case is actually extremely qualified and extremely good at his job.

German American you mean.

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