(((Wages))) in the US have not met productivity since 1980...

(((Wages))) in the US have not met productivity since 1980. So when are you going to organize and demand the Neocohen for your slice?

Attached: wagescompensation-1200x1093.png (1200x1093, 362.38K)

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When brown people aren't flooding the market.
Shitskins are the only people who are okay with working for nothing

So you'll continue to fight the race war that is being foisted upon you by the media, but you won't fight the class war that is leaving you behind?

Guess you fell for the (((trick))).

1971 we abolished the gold standard and the FED could freely print all it wanted. They have done nothing but siphon and steal and give it to their friends ever since.

Soros got in on the action in the 1979s. The FED created him and many like him.

Yes that's part of it. It the market became an open ponzi scheme with the "look the other way" 1971 end of Bretton-Woods. Does not mean you cannot levy for greater compensation among those parasites more closely connected to the veins and arteries.

why do i see a rare merchant in this graph

Attached: 1624123569490.jpg (800x579, 85.24K)

For now I'll keep my head down and continue stacking silver and lead while they're cheap.

Because you’re posting in a very Jewish thread.

You cant keep up with inflation. You are not mesnt to. Where is the benefit in inflation if not to get value for free? Someone is going to lose or be looted when they print. The people printing know damn well it wont be them. So who will it be? Who is going to get looted? Obviously honest hard working productive people.

And the graph shows it.

Me too brother. Silver, gold, platinum, lead, and lead throwers.

You're either one of them, or a friend of them, to support this economic model. Going to go ahead and guess you'd rather the Middle East be rid of Arabs than Jews because they're you're "Greatest Ally" and "culturally in line with Judeo-Christianity."

So wait, are you claiming that inflation was never a problem until 1970? Parity between inflated wages should match productivity, even if inflated.

Productivity measures housing loans, college loans, buying and selling real estate, healthcare insurance costs, insurance on inflated house prices. GDP cannot differentiate between building an airplane and selling a 2nd rate law degree for 350k. In a society wrought with scams GDP is a measure if how many scams/bubbles/ponzi schemes are occurring in a society. All of the brilliant minds in our society aren't working on discovering new science but working in quantitative hedge funds buying/selling shit at fractions of a second.... or they're working at FaceGoogMeta collecting people's data and selling at fractions of a second.

Japan's GDP (ie productivity) was higher in 1995 than in 2019 before bubble bursts. Once you look into that you'll realize all of economics and finance is a gigantic scam.

Attached: GDP_Japan.png (759x450, 32.07K)

Immigration act happened exactly then. What has deviated wages was the importation of low cost corporate slaves.

This is a bot or glow.

>not adjusting your productivity to match your wages

So don't be a wagecuck.

stop posting this bullshit commie retard,


Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-12 at 03-18-52 Debunking the 'Productivity-Pay Gap' – Capital As Power.png (906x2850, 396.51K)

That's not to say people aren't making more money today. If you're a VP/Director working at Fagbook or JP Morgana you're making ass tons of money via stock options. However you're not improving society. You're actively harming society. Your putting people into debt for shitty real estate, shitty college degrees, or you're harvesting people's data and giving it to the government. Your making ordinary people more surveilled and more shackled by debt.

At some point heads will roll. Occupy wallstreet was peaceful and its the reason it failed. There is no peaceful solution when you deal with this class of people, only a final one.

The chart is hourly compensation to non-supervisory workers. Of course if you're a managerial worker (director/VP/President level) getting paid via stock options and other shit your compensation will exceed increases in GDP.

>I’m a retarded anti white commie faggot
>like all leftwing vermin I lie all the time
>I’m such retarded scum I don’t even consider the fact that my constant lying proves that I’m wrong

>guess you fell for the (((trick)))
Guess you’re a retried low IQ commie faggot with shot for brains who never questioned the bullshit you got brainwashed to believe as a child and still believe to this day, which is why you anti white retards are so obvious to spot

Care to name a nigger country you’d want to live in or are you going to dodge the question like every other leftwing faggot? Maybe you could explain how replacement migration caused by kikes is just a media distraction?

>me too brother
You aren’t our brother. You’re a traitor who should be covered in petrol and burned alive like every other commie scumbag