Are you an MRA or do you support TERFs/tradcucks?

Are you an MRA or do you support TERFs/tradcucks?

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also too much zoomer acronyms in op
tf user, speak english ffs youre not on fagbook

I can't fathom that the people on that sub are real human beings. They make incels look like gods amongst men by comparison. Is it unironically satire and I'm just missing the punchline?

The Third Meme War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the jews between the trannies and the terfs. The war must be conducted in such a way that lgbtiq+ and feminism mutually destroy each other.

A man wrote that.

MRA = men's right activist
TERF = trans-exclusive radical feminist, a type of feminist who hates men and trannies
tradcuck = wants to fulfill the male gender role even though women have stopped holding up their end of the bargain

It's not satire. These are regular radical feminist beliefs that you can also see on TERF sites like Ovarit.

thanks user.

The more I see the downcline in society like this, the older I feel. The 30 year old boomer is real. When did the shift take place?

i'm neither and i associate with neither

Funny, as a guy I agree with most of the advice that FDS gives.

>Don't bang until you're in a relationship
>Thoroughly vet any potential partners for red flags

Radical feminists now have whole websites for them like picrel, but they definitely existed and were just as insane before. I can find deranged man-hating quotes going back to the '50s. The tranny hate is a bit newer but existed in the '70s.

P.S. Another weird TERF website: crystal

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What?! A sociopath playing the victim, rationalizing their nonsense, inverting roles and dindu’ing nuffins? THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!

Do Femcels really?

About 7-10 years ago, in the wake of the Occupy Wallstreet movement.
The kikes got really scared about that, and pulled off a masterful plot in which they pretend to care about faggots, put up some rainbow posters and stickers, and the faggots do absolutely everything the capitalist class (they purport to hate) ask from them in return.
It's a very odd relationship since the veil of support they receive is very thin and superficial.

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>Are you an MRA or do you support TERFs/tradcucks?
Neither. I support webm related.
>I can't fathom that the people on that sub are real human beings.
They're not. They're women.

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>caring about spincells
>spending time on spincell websites
>reading spincel literature

seriously, kill yourself

im not joking whatsoever, you actually need to kill yourself

Did OWS really need any help to become a joke? I remember it being disorganized and having no realistic demands from the beginning.

What's a spincel?

>Did OWS really need any help to become a joke
The FBI quite literally destroyed Occupy. Even the Guardian did an article on it (I know, leftist as fuck paper).

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Imagine "loser men" but living on easy mode, that's those women, the lowest of the lows.

I'm not well-versed in r*dditspeak, but can't you be both?
You can hate troons AND support men, no?

You can be an anti-tranny MRA but I don't think you can be a pro-male TERF, they're all insane man-hating feminists.

I've met femcels in real life

If you look at the crossover statistics a majority of the sub also posts at places like dating over 30 and divorced women. It’s just an incel page for women

It was also organized by a gay jew who died recently.

It's always the unattractive ones too. Attractive women 9 times out of 10 don't have this shitty mentality towards men.

The femcels on FDS are the equivalent of incels talking about how they put women in their place and use them for sex. Neither party is actually interacting with the other gender. These are all jerk off fantasies.

their institutionally encouraged racism and sexism caused me to leave grad school. now that's progressive!

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Something tells me these "women" are not living on easy mode, lmfao. I think its the fact that they are too unattractive to have that ability to live on easy mode that they have this mentality to begin with.

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Equal rights and equal lefts as far as I know has only ever been used to mean that you would hit a woman back like she’s a man if she hit you. It’s a bit of a dick move but it’s more consistent with a feminist worldview than the traditional don’t hit a woman like she’s a man, if you must hit her like she’s a child.

Issue is that they've most likely ridden and been thrown off the CC. So they're born-again virgins except not even religious.