Canada gets to have a civil war

While Australia and the USA shove their fists into their own asses
It's not fucking fair anons

Attached: bulled.jpg (705x870, 79.05K)

I like how every time you post pictures of yourself you become more and more ashamed of your appearance & black out more & more of yourself
Quite sad innit
Get a hobby.

I have literally not changed anything since the initial edit
>oh the fed wants me to post the unedited pic
You sneaky little goober
I'm not a retarded boomer
try again

you wont do shit

Yo it’s bilbo Baggins


Attached: wojakizard.png (192x326, 52.86K)

KYS larp nigger

The leafs have already gone full mad max.

Attached: mthmhtsksme81.jpg (1200x1200, 163.52K)

It would be pretty hot if I could stuff my own fist in my ass.
I'd stream that shit for homos, and they'd eat it up.

Get a hobby & do something productive with your time.

>get a hobby & do something productive with your time

Attached: soyjak.jpg (210x240, 9.96K)

Innit : >

Irek Kusmierczyk
Castro Party Cultist

Person of interest in the non consensual coercion of the Canadian people through threats of intimidation or other unknown violence to remove people's mobility and other human rights unless they subject themselves to violations of their body integrity as well as withholding of informed consent and medical experimentation in contradiction of the international treaties, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights - 1966, and the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man - 1948.

Also, for looking or being white

Attached: Irek Kusmierczyk.png (335x348, 264.28K)

My hobbie is naming the jew.

Go to Canada then you fat snuggy wearing bitch


But... he is?

Dont worry user Im just baiting all the feds
they fucking hate my threads

You should snag some extra canned food fren
Also I sense a fuel crisis in the near future for germany.

Dont forget to stack up on kerosene lamps and fuel. Do you have a crossbow yet?

Attached: frenren.png (800x600, 160.01K)

Restrictions and mandates were never as bad through most of the US as they were in Canada and they are already clearing up on thier own.

Aussies should have been dropping bodies by now though

Attached: inna.jpg (1237x1479, 664.81K)

Turn your dreams to reality
You can do anything you put your mind to

Anyone who owns a bullpup is misguided at best.

snuggy bear user is based. fuck off

I can't tell you're a boomer or not but posting images of yourself online could have you doxxed by trannies and shit.
Also it exposes you to the ATF, CIA, etc.

Im literally telling anons to buy cans of fucking soup and to get an extra set of lightbulbs

>sir you are under arrrest now hand over the snuggy and the 10 can of vegetable stew
user... have you been conditioned to fear fucking everything?

Attached: pondering.jpg (3000x2609, 1.79M)

This time line is incredible. If you pop it off leafs I will never bring up the dog fucking ever again! I promise. Honk you beautiful bastards HONK!!!!