Under Putin, Russia has become the weakest in 400 years

Why do Russians still approve of Putin?

At no time in history since the Time of Troubles has Russia been so weak in regards to both:
>scope of geopolitical influence
>worldwide reputation/favorability
Even though it was a complete trainwreck in the 90s, Russia still had way more geopolitical influence (the entire ex-USSR except for the Baltics) and was way more liked/respected worldwide than now.

For how long the
>it was awful in the 90s, he fixed it
narrative, on which Putin's entire support base revolves around, can hold? The 90s were 3 decades ago now. People aged 30 and below only ever remember Putin's rule. And objectively, it's been completely shit. One of the worst rulers in Russian history, probably. Unironically.

Reposting because:
>already made 3 threads
>received 900 replies
>still not a single coherent answer that explains the train of thought in a way that doesn't make the average russian Putin supporter look like a cuck in 2022

Attached: E2mVUwjWUAYrD-C.jpg (1169x899, 106.97K)

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Cont. (important post):
Before 2014, Russia's global posture was relatively stable and half-respectable (HALF-respectable, because of 1989-1991). Western governments came close to viewing Russia completely neutrally, perhaps even positively, while individual Western people totally empathized with Russian people and liked them (for who they are and because of Russian culture in general).

Ever since 2014 Putin has pushed Russia further and further into a status of a complete pariah despite the grand population of almost 150 million and natural wealth. It's a complete disgrace.

Which only begs the question: why do 2/3rds of Russians approve of him still?
And this approval rating has stayed at this point for the last 20 years already, sometimes spiking to over 80%, sometimes weirdly so, like after the 2014 blunder (can only blame it on low IQ).

Attached: Spheres_of_influence__2022.png (6460x3613, 1.92M)

I love this tranny meme

Hi my name is agent jerry smith i work for the CIA and i am currently montering this bord for a other government agency
If you could provide some information it would be greatly useful
Thank you for your time

>Under Putin, Russia has become the weakest in 400 years

perestroika: laughing at you in the corner

stop posting with this flag
youre so fucking obvious it isnt even funny

Attached: true-pole.png (560x231, 41.84K)

Russians have always been a threat in numbers only

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only thing that russia is best at in europe are abortions, suicides and number of people that dont even have access to running water or toilet paper, fucking joke of a country, if it werent for kremlin paid shills across all eastern and central european social media and in boards like this we couldve just assassinated that midget chazar and let them tear each other appart like in 90s

Attached: russia.jpg (1170x1119, 445.55K)

You're certainly getting lot of mileage from this thread topic.

You should link the previous thread

I advise you to compare the spheres of influence of Russia in the 80s, 90s, 2000s, and now (2022).

>Glownigger memes are this bad

Tы зaeбaл блядь, цeлый дeнь нa фopчкe cepишь, paбoтy ceбe нaйди или бaбy нa хyдoй кoнeц

Attached: 777.jpg (1446x1025, 107.38K)

What could have been done better? (assuming that to just surrender to the US is not a viable option)

>Which only begs the question: why do 2/3rds of Russians approve of him still?
News flash. They don't. Next day Russia have actual election puten would be out.
But he started with unthinkable lies and crimes (false flags bombings of Russian civilians) and continues to crank lies to the 11.

Russians are enslaved by KGB acting from shadows and lies.

i advise you to wiki perestroika, you illiterate

Will you loser pole keep posting this thread 100 times in a row.
Russian here. Your inferiority complex hurts.
There is one nation which can wipe the US of the face of the planet. Russia.
The nation with the greatest novelists in history. Russia.
The nation which made travelling to space possible. Russia.
We are the greatest slavs, which conquered half the planet. The greatest achievement in Poland's history is the witcher, go play it, and cry for your inferiority. WE WILL ALWAYS BE THE SUPERIOR SLAVS.

Are you just going to spam this thread all day every day? The poland butthurt meme really isn't a meme.

Why do Russians consider a sign of civilization (cooperation) to be a weakness?

Why is Russia so anti-social (in the proper sense of the word, NOT asocial; anti-social)

>Russian here. Your inferiority complex hurts.
its russians who are insecure.

why are russians so sneaky?

they do realize that sneakiness is a feminine trait, right?

Attached: russian insecurity.png (438x763, 147.74K)

when your interlocutor is smart and retarded at the same time
its either a bait
or its picrel

Attached: juwe wumao.png (1391x933, 618.27K)

In the heart they don't.

But imagine the dog that is beaten every day. It can't bite master, he is over high fence and beats dog with long stick out of reach. Dog is very sad and stressed and finds its relive attacking other dogs inside that fence.
Now you understand Russian soul.

What is your vision for how this more "social" behaviour would look like?

not being white niggers of europe

Attached: russia.png (797x599, 701.57K)

There is no cooperation in western "civilization". There is always some power (currently the US) and countries that suck its dick out of fear.

Every country should be anti-social like Russia and look for the benefit of its own population (unlike models like EU, that doesn't let countries use their potential and)

And i should add that taken out of the KGB jail Russians turn into functional members of teh European society.

I dont like double standards. Same could be said about the chinks but you only excuse ruskies, either because youre russian yourself or youre a poltard who respects russia more than chinkland only because its white passing

let me remind you that brazil or argentina have some white passing people too. theyre still obviously non-white, as is russia.

and so, to be objective, since i deride chinks for such behavior and consider them subhuman insectoids, i shall put russians in the same basket and if i was ordered to genocide the entire russian nation, i'd comply

God i wish that were me. It was a great time, no smartphones, no social media....

Never bet against America, kid. Not in matters of war. Even when we lose, we destroy everything.

>There is no cooperation in western "civilization".
Every bit of science and technical progress were done by cooperation of European counties+US+honorary Europeans of Japan. They made progress for the Glory of Humanity and you use it for free.

Attached: 45674576.jpg (800x800, 44.93K)

You do realize that Spain could exit from NATO and nothing would happen to it? Greece did this at the height of the Cold War and nothing happened to it. they came back voluntarily with their tail between their legs

Finland and Sweden arent in NATO at all

Now check what happened to Czechoslovakia in 1968.
Its so funny when I see people comparing America to Russia. I couldnt dream of a better and more benevolent superpower than America.

Jesus Christ on a stick. Who conducted the Internet in nuthouse? Why the fuck every german toilet cleaner tries to speak up on the matter of my country?

America is a big meme and the last decent generation of it's military was the 11-S never forget one. You'll find them here easily telling you the travesty it has become

Dont speak of civilization fucking monkey.
You dont have buildings like the kremlin, you dont have a city like Saint Petersburg, you dont have ballet, you dont have dostoyevsky, you dont have space station, you dont have world war wins, you aint got nothing.
Dont speak of civilization ever again , go eat a banana fucking subhuman ape. ]

NATO literally threat us with an invasion of the Canary Islands if we didn't join.
It's literally an organization made of our biggest historical enemies glued by pure kikery

>Same could be said about the chinks
Today unironically no.
Chinese society is brutal but it beats master with the stick too (sometimes). And their standards of living rise every year.
Though latter Vinnie Pooh decided to change that course. We will see.

Russian masters are completely encapsulated and went full retard long ago with no brakes to stop them. As for 2022 Russian standards of living are reduced for 9 years in a row. Its non stop beating and reduced rations every year.

>NATO literally threat us