Did they create Bitcoin?

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bitcoin is a trustless system, build upon it so we don't need to trust anyone with the issuance of money. it's a chance to fix things.

And discord tranny hands wrote op

Nah I did. Just for funzies to make people like pic related seeth. Its intrinsic value is $0 but with the market being irrational, I've made billions. Cry more.

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>Its intrinsic value
Saying something this stupid is pretty good proof that you didn't.

Bitcoin is started by the CIA, just like TOR. Look it up. The internet is made by the DoD. Everything is controlled, everything has it's purpose for mind control. Mkultra, brainwash. None of us are free. we are all rats in a cage.

I think that someone working for the top but not necessarily following their instructions

> Look it up

Where? Why don’t you post proof?

Back to Any Forums faggots.

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But the original devs recognized the problems with bitcoin and created a superior crypto called decred.
>You dont have enough decred user.

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yup listen to what bill binney had to say about it
and catherine austin fitts

interviews are all over the web
and then remeber what aaron russo had to say about the digital currency, final goal of banksters

and then pay attention to majority oif limited hangouts promoting it or pretending they never promoted it

Yes, they created it with British intelligence to fund black programs originally. Crypto still hasn't seen the hyperadoption phase. You should invest in projects that work parallel with upcoming CBDCs. Quant and Allianceblock for example. Bitcoin has no actual usecase and is worthless outside of speculation.

NSA created bitcoin and proof of work is a botnet.

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Beware of use cases or you'll have a bag of fag coins and no privacy

Ps. Both Quant and Allianceblock are mentioned in WEF papers. There's a panel with Quant, SDX(Swiss digital exchange, owned by Swiss stock exchange), Digital Pound Foundation, Accenture etc. in 2 weeks.

All crypto has no use case.
All crypto is le bad.
Doesn't function as money, doesn't do anything it says it does, all crypto is just speculation in a finite speculation market which is unsustainable.

WEF doesnt belong in any real discussion on finance. Those dumb niggers speculate in carbon. Go to biz and jerk off to chain link.

Quant has solved interoperability and it will be used first in tokenised stock trading(SDX) with any to any compatability.


Who cares who Satoshi Nakamoto is, the code is transparent and open source, so it really does'nt matter who he/she/they are. Also it takes the power of money creation away from the gov'ts, central banks, and privat banks, and lets people transfer money more or less anonymously depending on how you look at it. So I doubt it came from someone close to the gov't or banking elites, unless it was someone on the inside who despised the system...
Some facts:
- Satoshi was deeply involved with the cypher punks
- In one of the first transactions he linked to an article about the '08 bailouts, meaning he dissaproved of how normal people got fucked by the too big to fail banks and their power over the gov't
- Bitcoin is the first engineered monetary system, Satoshi probably had an engineering background
- Must have had deep knowledge/understanding of the financial system, commented a lot on reseve banking and so on..
- Btc's source code is filled with a lot of british english expressions like "bloody hard", terms such as "flat" and "maths", and the spellings "grey" ....

Possibly. I knew a guy who went to work there back around 2015 and the first thing he did was install server racks and extra power in his house to mine crypto currency. I wonder what happened to that little nigga.

No asio did, don’t you guys get it by now Australia runs the world, who’s the biggest media tycoon in the world mordoch a Australian, who created wifi Australia we have been secretly running the world on our continent for decades now

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Next you're probably trying to tell me about how silver ends the fed...

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my penis has intrinsic value

Thank you rare flag. Appreciate you backing me.