Give me one good argument against Communism - PART 2

But before you answer, tell me what you are defending instead of it, and if you said 'it's because you love you family', remember that no government was more pro-family in the 20th century than Stalin

Previous thread -

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It doesn't work

That's a funny way to address to advancing army on Berlin

who the fuck is jewing who anymore

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Ideology is false. Its based on the social contract. A post ideological society must be created. Humans are not systems bound by social contracts. The state is not an apparatus or machine. Human development cannot exist through economic factors. The current decay is made by extreme focus on economy. All ideology must be abandoned. Ideology = bastard politics.

>remember that no government was more pro-family in the 20th century than Stalin

mmh hmm.
when he sent people to gulags he took care of keeping the families toegether.

just kidding, women were separated from men, children were shot.

The Bolshevik revolution was financed by Wall Street.
Communism and Capitalism are two sides of the same cancer.

Ideologies use military victories to legitimize themselves. The death of the other is the success of the one ideology. Its a false narrative since pomitics is about human affairs. Politics ends where war begins.

because it's a vile, hypocritical, brutal, autocratic and ultimately evil ideology that has a ruling political class just like any other system. you need more?

>The Bolshevik revolution was financed by Wall Street.
So? Do you think everything bankers put money in works? And why wouldn't the Bolsheviks accept free money? I don't get your point

Ideology has to be abolished for humans to have a good life. Ideology empowered by the social contract is a bastardization of politics. It has to go.

Sister, you just admitted that Bolsheviks were jewish and that their ideas did not work. Please stop or you're banned from the Discord.

Goal of communism is to destroy the nation, identity and spirituality, unfortunately the only way to deal with these people historically was like what happened in the spanish and finnish civil wars

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Ideological manifestos cannot engage in politics. Only its human interpreters can. The social contract ought to be destroyed.

One reason communism might not work is if it is attempted before the correct conditions are met after a period of socialism.

So were the counterrevolutionaries, so was hitler, so is capitalism.
In the capitalist world everything that happens is financed by capitalists.

Ideology is a waste of time. Its biilt on a social contract that claims a 'universal' understanding on human nature. The end of politics. You see its false. Its a lie. It doesnt exist besides in the minds of ideologues.

Because it dosen't work, people die (unwanted deaths) of starvation, thechnology is gonna spiral down. and what you are typing this retarded thread on is given you by capitalism.

and before you say that I have no idea of what it is like to live in a commie coutry. my parents and grandparents are those who've expirienced the juice of your red bullshit.

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The Cold War was an A-B test over which approach was more efficient at enslaving the world.
Mystified Liberal Capitalism won over Formalized Autocratic Communism.
Neither is the answer.

Communism is an ideology. Like all ideology it uses an 'other' an ideological nemesis. This is used to try and convince you ts own social contract is superior. Its false. There is no social contract.

Capitalists chose communism as the lesser evil though and allied themselves with communism, very clear reason for this is that both are jewish tools to enslave people and destroy what is wholesome in the world with the ultimate goal being globohomo

>so is capitalism.
In the capitalist world everything that happens is financed by capitalists

In the commie world everything that happens is under control of commies. so your point is invalid.

>unwanted deaths
Did you just wake up in existence? Everything is trying to kill us. This is not the question. The question is how so stop work sucking because a few people have a good life and the rest do now

Where capitalisms social contract is the invisible hand, the proletariat is the contract of communism. No ideology attacks another for being ideological. All play the same game.

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That's it, you're banned.

Franco was the man.

Franco's birth certificate disappeared right after Germany started suspecting him of being jewish

All ideology claims it can manifest utopia. Its not true. There is no utopia

Yes but if not commies those deaths would not occur you sack of red shit.

A good argument, you say?
How about the kikes?

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Here's a question for you, gook. Why aren't you in your home country? Go back to China since it's so wonderful.

>literally kiled jews
>was a clear fascist
>gets called a jew


Look I sadly wasnt Germany at the time

To destroy communism we must destroy ideology. To destroy capitalism and fascism the same.

> Give me one good argument against Communism
I'd say the part where everyone goes hungry is a good point but the genocide of 10 million white Europeans by bolshevik jews takes the cake for me.
Also you're a chink and gay.

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The ideology project of politics has been a massive failure. It coild not replace religion nor manifest utopia.

What do you base that on? Socialism is when shit gets done. Capitalism is when scrawny nerds take resources away from capable engineers with visions.

Capitalism is responsibly for the massive lack of creativity in the world. No one has a big vision. Everything is superficial and a meme.

Socialism is when shit gets done on a grand scale. It is easy to achieve things when everyone is focused on the same goal. Economics dies here.

well what can I say, based.

>communism is when hunger

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Because op, the union of soviet socialist republics was a type of socialism & is not the good example for communism.

>americans can't ingest 3000 calories a day
>commie fucks view it as a proof of concept

>shit get's done on a grand scale
shit like what..famine? poverty?

look only socialism accaptable and even likable by me is the nordic model, anything else? remove the red

Germany and Russia arent communist today

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Then you should easily be able to give me an example of your kind of communism. Fuck you can't. Move on anarfuck

my god, you know nobody takes you seriously?

go die memeflagfag


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>shit like what
Space travel and cool helicopters

wow commies were on their way to becoming morbidly obese! what went wrong?

they were too physically active

You will never be a woman or ANYTHING at all in your whole life you useless waste of air born to be a loser

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yes that commies stole from america

forced labor makes you physically active yes, good point

>>communism is when hunger
Yes. Also gay and Aids. Sometimes chinks.

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If the Mi-24 was so easy to make why didn't the US have any. I'm joking but seriously there were many time the US has no fucking idea what the Russians were up to. NASA even used Soviet rockets until the 2000s because they were so mesmerized by commie magic