The weirdest meeting of all time?

The weirdest meeting of all time?
>Putin: so what can you offer?!?
>Macron: you'll never get my DNA!

What did Putin say after this long table meeting? Did he mock Macron?

Attached: 2022-02-11_143122.jpg (1035x580, 156.89K)

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Basically this.

That table is a racist table.

Putin: So is my dick closer to the center of the table, or yours?
Macron: You have a dick?

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You can literally pull DNA from hair, fingerprints etc.
They probably swabbed the table/chair after he left, as well as anything else he may have touched.

Post the real one

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Why does he want Macron's DNA?

What are the political implications of a president refusing to have his DNA taken?

I thought fact checkers debunked that possibility with PCR.

kek, I was thinking about doing that too!
Macron refused to be tested for Covid in Russia as he feared they would take his DNA, and the Russians decided that they had to keep a distance. The whole thing just seems weird. What did Macron hope to achieve with meeting?

He was offered the seat next to him but the granny fucker refused and sat to the end of the table instead because "muh social distancing". They should've just dropped him in a gulag after this, no need to send him back

>with meeting?
with this* meeting?
Did he have anything to offer at all?


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Attached: False-Flag-Meme-Sunglasses - Copy.png (580x612, 563.8K)

>He was offered the seat next to him
Any source for that?

haha lol

Putin has pancreatic cancer and is immuno-compromised.

How can they even hear each other over that stupid table?

He got trolled for getting involved in things over his pay grade. Then Lacrov got the english foreign to talk out of her ass. Truly pathethic. >

Is this a russian cultural thing? The farther away you are at a table the less friendly you are considered and the closer you are the more family like you are? or just covid bullshit?

>Le negociations have failed

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These two midgets are hilarious. Both are pretending to be badass when they both can't even reach for a plate in a kitchen cupboard. I've heard Putin was like glorified secretary in KGB lol How Putin managed to trick people in thinking he's some killer badass is amazing to me.

>russian nesting table