You wake up in 1938 as Adolf Hitler. What u do different to win a war?

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I commit the shoah

fuck eva braun and ilse werner, they are so hot

Expand Molotov-Ribbentrop into trade relations and joint economic planning with the Soviet Union (would require executing the national bourgeois but who cares, you're fucking Hitler you can do what you want)
faceroll through Europe and destroy the Anglo menace once and for all


Invade Italy

I trap every scientist I can, including Einstein, so the atomic bomb goes for Germany

Kill all the bongs and frogs I can at Dunkirk

Give the concessions Spain needed to enter in the war, so the straight of Gibraltar is effectively closed

Make better plans for the barbarrosa plan, including better equipment against cold

Absolute total war against the Anglos, naval blitz at the onset of the war

Hitler’s biggest mistake was believing that there was any Aryan blood left in the honorary semite state of england

I don't start it.

>implying the sovieyids wouldn't backstab you

Use a nearby telegraph to sneedpost internationally

Why yes, I too have one german ancestor

Have my scientists focus on cloning so I can have an army of Dirlewangers desu

Strengthen ties with the Soviet Union to avoid opening up a second front, make sure the Japanese don’t pull america into the war. Build up the German navy and try to pull of operation sea lion.

I would fuck Eva 24/7 and then escape, carrying all the German women in giant trucks, at the end of the day only Stalin had a hate boner against the germans and Hitler, not the USA, Hitler was too retarded to understand tactics and that's why Germany was literally raped after his suicide, and if he escaped, he was a retard too and a real coward, the last 2 weeks should have been dedicated to the biggest exile from AT LEAST Berlin to Africa, Africa was a virgin continent filled with free slaves ready to be colonized, put all the German women and useful men and take them out of Berlin ASAP, food water etc, 2 weeks is a shit ton of time
still, is better for your people to die in the cold ground surrounded by your people instead of being tortured and raped by Stalin like a slave
and you lost not only the war but the pride of your entire country and race.
Exile was the only real choice, Africa right now could have been the strongest continent in the whole fucking world, just look how the chinks recovered from 2 atomic nukes being a bunch of farmers, Germans were 2x times smarter than them

make nukes first and nuke every one for the luls


Wait until all Europe became fascist, which would have happened in a few years

Use jews as cannon folder, do the extermination after the war if i win

>oy vey, we gotta protect the polish by declaring war on Germany and giving Poland to the Soviets

Move to England and start the National Socialist Party there. Fuck the Germans they are useless cunts.

Clearly the whole intent in the end, that's why the western allies made a rush for berlin, because they wanted to give everything to the soviets

1. Lenin's original plan was basically to wait for a german revolution and ally with them for global domination. Stalin was obsessed with Lenin's ideology to the point that he wrote several books about it in his free time.
2. to my knowledge the only time the soviets did anything wrong to their allies was Khruschev rolling the tanks into Hungary to put down a rebellion, and even then that wasn't action against the Hungarian government, just some rebels
3. If there's one thing Kissinger was right about, it's that economic ties prevent that from happening. Integrate your economy with the Soviet Union's and any sort of turncoat action would be impossible.

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I let Stalin's army come to me, crush them in a defensive battle, then invade them on the backhand. I also enlist the manpower of Ukraine to help destroy the soviet union, i'm pragmatic rather than wedded entirely to ideology and i let my generals do their jobs properly.

Easy. I sink Britain at Dunkirk, I use the vx gas on Moscow and I don't ban my nuke program before ww2 even starts.

And then I round up all the jew rats and actually gas them in proper gas chambers and not with heat activated pesticide.

>hello, loli dispensary, this is Hitler calling, please send 3 lolis to my purple bunker!

Stalin wanted war

Clearly their intent was never to protect the polish people from Germany, clearly their intent was to declare war on Germany by any means necessary

fix the torpedoes before sending the uboats out to battle. If the torpedoes were working from the start the RN would lose HMS Rodney, HMS Ark Royal and many other cruisers, destroyers and troop transports during the Norwegian campaign

I instil maskirovka-like discipline into the military. Barbarossa starts as normal, except, after encircling a few armies, I order a withdrawal in the north and centre to shorten supply lines. I don't waste energy to take Moscow. I concentrate logistic assets in the South to take Ukraine and the Caucuses. Extensive preparation for oil extraction would have already been well planned and provided for. I will use our under-used industry to produce as many trucks as the oil can support. I will use this to out maneuverer the Russian forces and destroy them before western lend-lease Trucks and signal equipment evens the odds.

Also Rommel should take Iraq or something, I don't know.

Holy crap the absolute state of commie apologetics

Never ally with japan or italy.
This is literally all hitler needed to do to win the war.

>allying with commies
Mutts should be euthanised.

>I trap every scientist I can, including Einstein, so the atomic bomb goes for Germany
>Kill all the bongs and frogs I can at Dunkirk
>Give the concessions Spain needed to enter in the war, so the straight of Gibraltar is effectively closed
>Make better plans for the barbarrosa plan, including better equipment against cold

Wait until nukes are ready and front run Barbarrossa by glassing every major soviet population and industrial center.

maybe try to secure oil and gas from south american countries or work on some sort of alliance with Turkey.

This. Play the fucking long game. Anglo judeo Empire couldn’t be defeated through brute force without destroying themselves. Germanic people were just in the very initial stages of rediscovering an Aryan spirituality. They were in no position to wage total war. They needed a century or more to develop their spiritual strength first. Instead they coomed it all out prematurely. They were on the right track reading the bhagavad Gita, the eddas, and trying to reconstruct an Indo-European identity. It’s not too late, although so much has already been lost through acting too shortsighted.

Get rid of Goering.

leave russia the fuck alone

You're kind of missing the point...

Really follow through with the ovens.