Piss in my PoCkEt libtards!


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>Only 58%
The eternal NPC truly is something to behold.

CNN polls are notoriously biased by about 10 pts, so really it's a 31% approval. and that's just on their own biased pool of respondants.

Bidens approval is way lower than that. There's still plenty of shill media polling that heavily oversamples democrats and relies on push polling.
His real approval is probably somewhere in the mid to low 30s.

literally the only good thing biden did was leave afghanistan. that alone makes him the best president in about a century but he's still horrifically terrible. its just that the bar is set abysmally low with US presidents.

He left an entire military infrastructure for the terrorists and abandoned Americans you retard

He didn't leave Afghanistan.
He extended the military occupation and then was forced into retreat.
It's like saying you ended a war by breaking the peace agreement and then getting defeated.

Gotta boost those numbers down those are rookie numbers.

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>the terrorists
the Taliban aren't terrorists.
>abandoned Americans
CIA and journalist glowniggers aren't Americans
>forced into retreat
As much as I admire the Taliban for their glorious victory over ZOG, we weren't "forced" to retreat. Biden could have chosen to stay and it would have been the easy choice for him to do so. Its the choice trump made time and time again despite breaking his promises to end these wars.
>He didn't leave Afghanistan.
He objectively did.

You had four years MIGAmutt.

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>the only good thing biden did was leave afghanistan

Brain Dead Biden screwed up the withdrawal.

>cnn poll says 41%
So in reality it's sub 30%. Embarrassing.

>the Taliban aren't terrorists
Right wing contrarianism has hit a new low.

how so? because the CIA bombed those marines? that was going to happen no matter who was doing the withdrawal? I'll take Biden's arguably messy withdrawal over Trump and Obama choosing to stay.

Holy cope lmao, most popular President ever is tanking faster than Trump.

41% is very generous.

Miga take

Reading into these polls is pretty retarded. Most presidents hang around 30-40% nowadays.

why do you say they are terrorists?

So in your mind, it could have been easy for him to go on the offensive again after the military of Afghanistan all defected without a fight, and his own troops had retreated to the airport without orders leaving their civilians and allied behind?
He could have started blasting while he was making plea deals to the Taliban to get his civilians out safely, while his own troops were in such disarray that they started blind firing into crowds of civilians, and their intel networks were so compromised their enemies were directing them to airstrike their own supporters and children?

he wouldnt even need to go on the offensive, just hold onto the same bases we've been holding for 20 years now so the CIA could have a safe space to keep trafficking heroin and boypussy. And the reaosn the ANA defected is becasue they knew they wouldn't have our air support anymore so they were fucked. The taliban killed way more of them then the amount of Taliban they killed and that was with our massive support. They were only ever in the fight because we were on their side. without us of course they're going to quit. i hope the taliban executes all of them.
>his civilians
fuck glowniggers. the main error Biden made during the withdrawal was getting so many of these traitors out alive.
>their intel networks were so compromised
of course the CIA fed him bad info to make it harder for him to withdraw. the CIA re bad guys who deserved to be abandoned in afghanistan for the Taliban to execute.


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>an overall good and mostly positive acceptance of biden

Should be zero. Imaging still supporting Biden after disasters like Afghanistan or the inflation.

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>disasters like Afghanistan
its hilarious seeing brits experience khyber pass 2 over this. Leaving afghanistan was Biden's sol shining moment.

i dont believe 41% of americans see the last year and think "good job"

>same percentage as suicidal trannies