Answer me this one simple thing, Pol

How come ((( they ))) are not dying from covid ?
I mean not a single high profile very important person of us-eu politics, media, business, died from covid ?
I would endure this scamdemic nonsense much easier if at least they were dying as well, I could get up in the morning with at least some happy thoughts

Attached: you-just-know-princess-charlene.jpg (1200x1200, 195.63K)

>European Parliament President David Sassoli dies after hospitalization

Attached: 0.jpg (600x582, 53.37K)

what are you after? like shit ton of people have died "for reasons" during the last two years, and another shit ton of famous rich people have "had an averse symptoms of"... things over the past year or so, so be more specific next time

i fucking hate women with dogs

...have you seen the rates of vaccinated dying in Israel?

They're one of the highest on the planet.

Oy vey

Six million vaxxed deaths?

me too.. a cat is ok. But if she has a dog and it tries to hump her a lot then you know for sure she is fucking that thing.

>shit ton of people
Yes but not them
I want to see important people, their golden children, start dying

would that even be information we could get, because it's like regular people dying, not public information

>high profile
Cant not be public if a fucking princess dies

3 people per month compared to the world average of 2?

Vaccination not required

If you remember they all caught covid really early on and made sure they got natural immunity.

They even had covid parties to make sure they all got it.

high profile people don't just disappear, so it's the same thing when a tennis player just collapses on the field, so we know every high profile public person who has taken the dive, unless you are talking about even more secretive people

They got vaccinated

The only one I can think of was some Indian politician, that died of Covid

Yes at least one or two of ours should have died if Covid was that serious, and these fuckers have been partying it up without masks behind the scenes the whole time.

Because they took a placebo

This Spanish socialist mummy was close, but she attended one of the most prestigious private clinics in Madrid (paid with public money).

Attached: carmencalvo.jpg (1024x576, 53.59K)

I am talking about high profile people not dying at all
I dont care for vipoos in india and similar shitholes
I want us-eu very important people to start dying
And it could not be not public

Seems like your people vote for same establishment pool of people resources
Why not vote in lone wolf right wing death master like hitler instead ?