Why does everyone look so ugly and dysgenic these days?

Why does everyone look so ugly and dysgenic these days?

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Communism. In 1984 Orwell states that one of the objectives of (((The Party))) is to make everyone ugly and unfuckable so that they could have more control over who mates.


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Also, your pic related wad a fucking unicorn.

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vaccines, everyone gets injected with more and more poison during developmental years so faces end up looking lopsided

I think it has to be nutrition. Nutrition turned to shit over decades. The likely result? People will be even uglier in the future in westernized countries that were subjected to it.
In Europe we at least value food to a certain extent, we tend to eat real food, but the US is done for.

We are living in a nightmarish dystopia amd everyone that knows why is labeled a schizo.

because they are

Change in diet is giving everyone smaller jaws and chins. My father has a big burly square jaw but I don't

>Wow, why do people don't look like Hollywood stars from the last century
Fuck off you idiot.

Because we stopped selecting for soft elegant feminine beauty with graceful delicate features. And, instead, selected for big tits, big arse, thick legged whore features. The classically beautiful feminine faces of yesteryear are pretty much extinct.

Lack of vitamin K2 from healthy animal foods.
Weston Price researched this. A natural diet leads to healthy tooth and jaw development. A westernized diet leads to weak jaws and tooth decay. I think this is only one of the things it leads to, I think it also influences overall bone formation and the teeth are just the most obvious.

You're a retard. I used it as an example, but you can't deny it applies to everyone at large.

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How much non-white blood do you think she had? I'm noticing it because of the shape of her nose. In this pic she looks quite ugly and dysgenic.

Because your view of the past is filtered. If all you could see from current year were actors and musicians and advertisements you would think everyone today was attractive too.

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Non fat women look better today than ever

nutrition was even worse during the industrial revolution and 100 years after it

I should add the bodies have changed dramatically too. Gym junkie women may look good in yoga pants or workout clothes, but they cant wear dresses or dress up in general for shit. They women of yesteryear oozed style & wore their clothes immaculately.

Mutated genes. Prior to the industrial revolution the child morality was 50%, now it is less than 1%. Therefore a build up of high mutational genes will develop in the population. Ugly people express ugly beliefs because it reflects their mutated brains and bodies.

>complain that everyone is ugly and dysgenic
>rage and hate on women for only fucking the top 20% chads

Explain your self Any Forums

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Have you seen pictures of your grandparents in their youth? I saw one of my grandpas as a young man. He was very handsome and he fought in WW2.
This isn't about what we see in advertisements, but everyday people.