You WON'T believe this

>you WON'T believe this
>but first
>actually, lemme say this
>the mainstream media is terrible
>anyway, let's read this Buzzfeed article
>check this out
>I'll tell you what, man
>the point is
>civil war..
>but you know what
>I grew up on the South Side of Chicago
>it's complicated
>lemme, lemme, lemme think of it this way
>as a moderate
>orange man bad, but not that bad
>here’s the thing…
>*adjusts eyeglasses*
>I kid you not
>I’m mixed-race
>I can't pronounce the name of this article's author
>let's read on
>woke outrage
>culture wars
>I'm just some dude who makes videos in the back of a van
>full stop
>I guess what I’m trying to say is this
>*adjusts jacket*
>I'm a high school dropout
>I used to work for VICE!
>I was homeless!
>get woke, go broke!
>it's nuanced!
>Harumph I say!
>I try to keep these short
>get a copy editor
>let me break it down for you
>*food analogy*
>*horseshoe theory*
>left is eating itself
>that's nuts…
>I dunno, man
>it’s actually kinda scary
>think about it
>*Marvel movie analogy*
>*claps hands together*
>I will say this
>I can respect that
>but at the end of the day
>I'm a milquetoast fencer-sitter
>abortion good, death penalty bad
>I’ll wrap this up
>I've never taken a vacation
>check out my van
>my skater friends who are not into politics
>my friends in the hacker community
>the Democrats have become insane and possibly evil
>I think.....but I could be wrong
>but I'm still not going to vote for the only person that could possibly check their bullshit
>you get the point
>I'll leave it there
>head over to
>I have a crypto option, a paypal option
>share this video
>YouTube algorithm, demonetization
>check out the podcast
>stick around, next segment is coming up at 6 PM over at youtube dot com slash timcastnews
>it is a different channel, i'll see you there

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He's rude to Ian which is the LAST thing a real fence-sitter would do.

He's a fucking grifter and I'm sure he'd suck my cock if I let him keep his beanie on

Ians a fucking retard

How does that give you or anyone the right to bully him? He's the only person on the show with a non-spoonfed perspective.

no way man check out this shekelite crystal you can really feel the vibrational frequencies through it

>implying he can't

bacteria can manipulate radio waves in order to self-organise

ian was so fucking cringe last night u had to stop listening

Tim is controlled opposition and he fucks Lydia. Spoiled it for you. Also Adam Crigler was the best part of the show but Tim fired him for finding out. Now it's just his dumb ass talking about how he's gonna get a stroke while Adam actually does it. Sage goes in all fields. Fuck pim tool

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Who actually watches Tim? No one under 40, surely?

fuck this zioshill

I sure know what to do with this thread....

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checkum quints

Has that faggot addressed the John Goldman happenings yet? Had he apologized for shilling a gay pedo kike?

mtg episode?

Your country is more fucked, pussy.


Tim Pool repeats himself 5-10 times a video.

>I'm a milquetoast fencer-sitter
how to make it on the internet in 2022

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He's a panic bitch. He's a shill. Any American who would kill his fellow man over fighting the government is just a bobble head spitting bullshit for views. If you respect this guy leave.

It gets way worse in his IRL podcast. Any time there's a mention of police (it's literally every episode), you get 20 minutes of everyone larping as ANCAPS.

Ian is his sidekick to make him look smart. Tim is the type of person that record himself talk on cassette tapes and then listen to it again when he wants some sexy time. That's why Adam was canned, he's opinion was sometimes too different

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Ian is a drug addled retard

>bully him?
Fuck off with that. Ian is a drug using degenerate commie.