Holy shit finally a conservative organization that isn't cucked or technologically inept

holy shit finally a conservative organization that isn't cucked or technologically inept.

(inb4 the payment processors and banks come for them)

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Conservatives are always so judgemental. They can't seem to wrap their minds around the idea that there are people out there who don't share their view of the world. Well, guess what? Jews are one of those groups

If they send that money to Canadians it's just getting seized by the government

wait, scratch what I said about them not being technologically inept.

why are boomercons like this?

Attached: 1644571397439.jpg (972x892, 112.17K)

This Trucker shit is a PSYOP
Bunch of cattle supporting a narrative because its "right wing"
watta dumb shit

Attached: Truck.jpg (242x320, 23.91K)

They are so fucked when the court order is enforced. Why do you think everyone just complies GSG? How are going to pay the Canadian truckers when your Canada bank accounts are seized?

Boomers fall for reverse psychology. They don't like google so they use (((duckduckgo))) they don't like cnn so they watch some gate keeper like (((joe rogan)))
nothing but false dialectics to control people by abusing psychology.

Maybe the people are to blame for falling for such nonsense in the first place.

Attached: MASON.jpg (320x240, 27.95K)

it's a CIA front organization retards

Attached: FLRyzGaXIAEGxe0.jpg (891x419, 59.99K)

what's wrong with duckduckgo? I dont want to change browsers/search engines again


DDG now moderates it's content akin to gurgle. Test for yourself. Look up something like an image or a story you know exists, and is mildly controversial. Do it on both DDG and gurgle in different tabs at the same time. Compare the results. It'll be almost the exact same curated returned data.

Reverse psychology, they know the people will avoid this leftist media. so they create this kosher approved nonsense. Joe rogan is not a truther, he is just another puppet to control right wing narrative. Joe rogan says covid is real and comes from china and that you should take ivermectin
In reality covid is a hoax done by the masons and there is no need for such nonsense as horse sperm like ivermectin.
Here is Joe rogan, with a jew, shilling against Google, and instead shilling for duckduckgo, which is also owned by a jew named Gabriel Weinberg. Duckduckgo also contains corporatist flat art.
This episode im watching, they are now shilling more anti china propaganda. Instead of talking about Israel. How about try listening to David Icke?

Remember when Joe Rogan said it was a bunch of "white kids" looting sneakers during the riots last summer?

Trump, Tucker, and all of these right wing politicians and media creators are all on the same team. Ill be using Yandex or Baidu unironically. The right wing is being abused by reverse psychology.

I noticed this a while ago while searching "teen porn". only some articles about school kids and their degeneracy. what is the endgame here? are there even any free alternatives left?

this is probably a term of service change from google since they've been essentially using google tech from the beginning. You may not recall but Google scrapers used to be ubiquitous until they forced them out. Almost overnight duckduckgo cropped up as a replacement, ran by a jew. Now they're advertising on television and radio. How do they have the funds to advertise at all? because they're selling your search data to google and others.

>heckin horse dewormer

Its owned by a jew and their logo is in flat art style. I don't trust DDG or any "alt tech" kosher approved bullshit.

Trudeau's hippie half brother was on Infowars last night
His whole speech on the convoys reeked of socialism 101

Attached: Libertarians.png (634x851, 662.72K)

so this is how crypto kike is going to be implemented worldwide
>gov is bad crypto is good
if you can't see where it leading to you are sheep
fuck trannies niggers kikes cucksertives and bidenfags and most of all fuck jannies

>gov is bad crypto is good
This but unironically.

Shut up chang


It's literally owned by a jew