This is the head of the American nuclear safety departement

This is the head of the American nuclear safety departement
Can mutt cowards get more cucked than this ?

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The nuclear safety department was run by a transgender woman. She was a very experienced officer, and she knew how to keep the nuclear plant safe. Transgender people are people whose gender identity does not match the gender they were assigned at birth. Some transgender people may use different names or pronouns than the ones assigned to them at birth, and may require special care when using public restrooms. Some transgender people are diagnosed with mental illnesses, such as anxiety or depression, which can make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

>Animal sexuality - gay uncle
You mutts really don't lock your crazies up anymore huh?
Instead u put them in governmental postitons overseeing the "normal" people

so some tranny's going to be paid to sit around while everyone else works
what's new

How the fuck did he get that job? I've been stalled out at a mid-level corporate IT position for for over 3 years without a raise, and I actually know what the fuck I'm doing. This fag gets to head an entire government agency? I'm done, I've been flirting with the idea of just quiting and just opening a woodworking shop and I think this did it for me

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what the fuck is wrong with americans??

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Moving past the fact that this creature is an abhorrent freak, what is it that they know? What have they come across in their circles of degeneracy that has facilitated this appointment?

we are controlled by jews.

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i think its magnets op

Just like the old Chinese imperial dynasties, America is just creating a eununch caste that has obscene amounts of power and most anons should know what kind of ending is going to happen.

>Who you call'n Pinhead?

Wouldn't happen in the southâ„¢

>Can mutt cowards get more cucked than this
I'd love so.

Well maybe when you meet the president at a secret orgy underneath the white house you'll be able to suck a job out of him as well.

nepotism 100%, the rulers are all gay corrupt faggots for sure

this guy gets it

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> choosing on the basis of merit
> choosing on the basis of what genitals you have, what kind of genitals you believe you have, what kind of genitals you want to put in your mouth, what kind of orifices you want to stick your genitals in
kek these people literally have the mind and worldview of a retarded child. they're all low key chimos too

We are fucked again, how much worse can it actually get for real, there has to be an end, why has no other country in this ENTIRE planet dealt with America, with hellfire and sanitizatio?!!

I think it's more that these positions are antiquated/made obsolete so as to not hold any real power. Nuclear energy has been castrated by oil/gas producers. This "man" is the focus of mockery.

The real cucks are the people that can't see that every last facet of representative government is bought and paid for, and take any of it into themselves as a legitimate authority.

she's stunning and brave