What do we even need women for?

what do we even need women for?

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All of this is depressing

to start families
stupid tranny

>literal satan on the phone
its not even funny


el androgenico abominacion

They have gotten me to eat healthier by incorporating vegetables into my diet

Kill yourself faggot, you will never pass, you can never have children. No one loves you. Your parents despise you.

good answer, commie

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I fucking love traps! Especially with small peepees! I know that it makes me degenerate but I don't care!

Cringe. OP is cute and valid

crazy that the ones who despise religion were the ones to bring demons into this world.

girl cock is valid

Satanist confirmed

We need artificial wombs, not women

source - hootihoo

trannies will not survive the race / civil war

Jannies take this shit down

You deserve to be skinned and quartered

So that cock and balls has been stuck on there?

Is this the average /tttt/ poster? So it's true, HRT does shrink your dick. If my dick was that small, I'd just kill myself.l

to reproduce

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How do you know that thing isn’t religious user?

Agreed, found out an old acquaintance/friend """transitioned""" i.e. just crossdresses, still looks like shit, just wearing skirts now. It's just depressing, he was pretty funny and slightly edgy but only barely, like he was hiding his power level. Smart guy too, makes a ton of money. Shame that all of that money is going to pharmaceuticals or to his next of kin. I can't imagine the shame and remorse his father probably feels.

some of us are growers and not showers.

i want a trans-girlfriend so bad Any Forums

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just get a boyfriend

This is chaos sis.

This thing is only good for clearing minefields.

Disgusting shit...Hentai traps are cute AF...real live traps make me vomit.

Reproduction, artificial wombs will change that. But odds are sex robots will be the partner of choice once that happens

I’m a Mason not satanic. Learn the difference it could save your life

Daisy makes my pp hard.

This reminds me of my cyberpunk character.. what an absolute shite game.

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Growers are oppressed beyond belief

She was the first rider in the upcoming Hapa Apocalypse.

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All the things you will never be.

There's this little thing called human reproduction, not sure if it's our interest ot bother with it though

Anyone in this thread unironically shilling traps kill yourself

her voice will cure that

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Sex robots will only become viable for people who would otherwise not be with women in the first place. Artificial wombs will be used by trannies and faggots, not by normal people, except for maybe the women who still want children but continue to miscarry.

Why the fuck haven't jannies taken this thread down yet

This is clearly not political


Dude I don’t have the volume imagine if my wife walked in

jannies too busy jerking off

I got made fun of by the fellas in gym class because I’m a grower and they didn’t believe me. I tried to prove them wrong by furiously beating my flaccid cock but the gym teacher walked in and now I’m suspended for 3 weeks

>remember what they took from you

Domino Presley is also a beauty

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To fuck something without getting shit on your dick, you dumb faggot. I push for more traps and trap acceptance because it means there are more women remaining for those aren't mentally pozzed

fake horns? These broken souls are really obsessed with demons.

Cus it goes against God.
If you know about God and choose not to pursue that path.. well it is exactly what satanists do.

That’s a Any Forums user. Check the light fixture.

holy kek

Only a fag wouldn't plow Daisy

I could tell from the feminine penis and hrt tits that it was a Any Forums user

Jade Venus

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