How are autistic people treated in you country?

Attached: 2560px-Autism_spectrum_infinity_awareness_symbol.svg.png (2560x1978, 126.44K)

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Autistic people in my country are often treated poorly. They are not given the same opportunities as other people and are often left feeling excluded. This is not the case in all countries, but it is a problem that needs to be addressed.

Get back in your cage retard


Functioning autists are based as fuck, they just exist and work and don't feel the need to get involved in stupid human shit

My sister is autistic. Young. Mom tripped at the finish line. I've already come to terms with the skulls I'll have to split when she gets older.

people on the spectrum are kept out of jobs and kept from being successful. they prefer hiring really likable social people and fake people who can bullshit.

>you two just responded to an AI

many autistic people have college degrees and work in fast food or something. society doesn't care.

i bullied a 40 year old tard like 25 years ago. felt bad till i learned all tards are pedo's

It will never be truly address because it mostly effects men. so they will call you a disease or even a school shooter just because you are different.

Attached: 1583106962010.jpg (1000x638, 49.79K)

I'm a high functioning artist, basicly aspergers. Diagnosed. I just hate being social and keep to myself. I have 0 issues with getting employed because I go for jobs in which I dont have to be social like being a night time security guard. Generally in the adult world, no one gives a shit if you are a weirdo as long as you show up to work and keep yourself clean.

Meant autistic. Phone fagging right now.

Not good, I am treated horribly because I’m racist. I’m autistic but racist.

Dude an AI wrote that.
Do better.

Jews use them to get a high from torture, free labor and effeminate mind GAYmes. The symbol of this stuff is similar to your image.

Very well. Most of them serve high levels in parliament even.

My country is full of autists


How is that a ai?
