WTF I love Elon now?

WTF I love Elon now?

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Elon Musk, founder and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, is a trailblazer in the field of sustainable energy. He has inspired many with his innovations in space transportation and electric vehicles, and his work is helping to make the world a more environmentally friendly place. While Musk is widely respected for his accomplishments, he has also faced criticism for his lack of diversity. He is the only white CEO of a Fortune 500 company specializing in sustainable energy, and there are few women or people of color in his executive team. This lack of diversity has led to accusations of racism, and Musk has been called on to do more to promote diversity in his companies. He has acknowledged the issue and pledged to do better, but his critics say he needs to go further.

Kek this is why you don't operate a business that wants to innovate in USA.

I hate kikes, also if you didn't buy doge today you're fucked. -elon

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Now that's Based. Fuck commiefornia.

He's also moving to TX. Fuck them California niggers.

>hearing slurs up to 100x daily
And that's just the black employees speaking to each other.

I like how they said black instead of African American.

it's probably bullshit and california is just butthurt at the exodus

he looks faggy tbqh
what phenotype is he?

Every black employee everywhere claims racism. We had one driving a truck, crashed it on the job after falling asleep at the wheel. Of course we fired him. What did he do? He gets some local jew to try to sue us for discrimination.

Target is the same way.
All the mexicans do the hard labor while the white people get to sit on their asses in front of the computer.

Basically yours

When your company is big enough it's ceaper to pay the annual legal fee for not complying with the diversity quota laws than to actually hire shitskins.

But hes african american and sexually identifies as a rocket man...

>Don't hire NIGGERS they whine about racism
>Hire NIGGERS they whine about slavery
>Hire niggers for token reasons and send them to their own safe place away from anything they will inevitably fuck, whine about segregation

What's the fucking solution here?
It seems the only solution is to just pay the fines and tell the niggers to fuck off, they'll whine about it any which way you cut it anyways

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Elon responds by closing Tesla factories in California. Problem solved.

Thats how the company runs


I came here to make this joke. Nice.

>all niggers say nigga all day
>i heard racist words 100 times a day!

Why should he keep his business in California? Not only will you be taxed to death, but their gonna sue you over some bullshit too

>best afro-american there is

>hearing slurs

probably from other niggers

African American is offensive now. Black is the currently accepted pc speak.