Trannyism and the ultimate goal of the left

Basically the ultimate goal of Satan. >6 years ago gay marriage is legalized. >3 years ago Trannys reading books to kids >0 years ago you’re deplatformrd for hate speech & 30% of general z are faggots/50% approve of faggotry >invent neural ink and prove you can be what you want to identify as in the metaverse >anti-aging technology is accelerating at a breakneck pace - we’ll soon be able to live forever >combine the ability to beat death, identify with being what you want in perpetuity and experience whatever life you would ever desire artificially and you now have the ultimate deception by satan himself - eternal artificial life without having to take then ultimate faith-test possible - death if the physical self. >TFW we are literally marching toward hell and Any Forumsis the only place that will fight it. What can be done to wake our fellow NPC bros up? How do you evangelize in the metaverse?

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Wait it's not a rabbit?

Okay but can we talk about how this is clearly a rabbit

You are a jew

That’s a fucking seagull or some shit, Heime. Don’t you pull those mind games on me here.

Is that not a heron getting its dick sucked

Confirmed this, I stand corrected on thinking a seagull.

... transgenderism is literally baphomet worship.

I can sorta see the rabbit this guy mentioned But this is MUCH more obvious Where the fuck is the giraffe in this at all???

Rabbi dont want to be a good person in front of us? your kind is the root of all the evil in this world you have blood in your hand and no matter how many chickens you kill your soul is roten

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Thought it was some kind of bird as well

It's a fucking bin chicken

Now it looks like a chink.

>What can be done to wake our fellow NPC bros up
Many do not want to be "woken up".
Some might be altogether impossible, read up on hylics, or what we call these days as "NPCs".
As well as pic related and such. There seems to be an actual, tangible separation between the body and what one could call a "soul". Aside from begging the question of then just what the fuck are we, as sapient souls, then, it also has the implication that there are those that are without such, and quite likely even that this is the majority of the human population (see mental imaging studies, Blue Brain study, etc. anywhere between 40-70% of the human species appear to be lacking what we would call "souls" and therefore have no actual connection to any sort of higher power/dimension). Until we have some way to fully verify and prove all of this, to test for it, trying to "wake" people up might well be a futile effort, akin to trying to baptize the family pet.

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Will someone please tell me how that image is anything other than a brainleted bird.

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Hey dumbass you can predict what will happen because
You Will Live To See Man-Made Horrors Beyond Your Comprehension

Beyond your comprehension means you can’t even fucking imagine

It's a seagull laughing after it steals your chips (they are evil)

The joke is that you have no brain.

>the ultimate goal of the (((left)))
It's about the jew globalist agenda.

Let this jew explain it:

They want to control a NPC prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, gender-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled, subdued cattle (which they call goyim). They make up 1.4% of the US population and 0.2% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

And while the elite globalism pushing jews are one thing, the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.

They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just completely ingrained into their culture. So, there‘s the grand jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.

300+ sourced must-know jew redpills:

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>you now have the ultimate deception by satan himself - eternal artificial life without having to take then ultimate faith-test possible - death if the physical self
Dude if I could not fucking die as long (as I’m not being forced to hand over control of my body or stop feeling human) I would take the opportunity. It is perfectly normal to want to live as long as possible, as long as it is not a detriment to your people or gets in the way of sacrifice.

But as for death it has its charm. For the most fascinating afterlife would be to join death himself.

>Can I remain alone all my life, but keep my soul pure and young?

>And when death comes, and I leave my old body behind, can he accept me as his company?

>Can I trail and embrace him through terror and tragedy, across earth and eternity?

>That pale and handsome haunter.

>That Sheolic youth gracious and gray

And even if I cannot join him, oblivion is just as fascinating, the ultimate tragedy, but an eternal peace at least:

>And how precious you are, how precious that chaos could only incarnate you once, and romanticize your short existence with your souls oblivion and your bodies decay, a great tragedy but a dark beauty in itself. The world is full of beautiful things outside of man, but none as beautiful as art, and you are the only art I care for. A perfect portrait. Yet though the vision is forever and is what shall remain long after you are gone, the canvas as tough as it is will not last forever. But your not a painting, your a person and like those painted centuries ago, beautiful but nowhere as dear as you, they live on in the frame despite it all, and more beautifully despite it all, despite them all just shriveled forms, bones, or dust. Resurrection is a comedy, it’s a joke and something to poke fun at! But how more tragic, how more beautiful oblivion it is, how crowning it is to beauty, and how despite it all how comforting the sleep will be,

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No it's a crane.