How can you see this and not think you have to pay reparations?

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Nice Loosh

Damn no wonder black men is strong asf

I want slaves

Traded by (((Kamala Harris ancestors)))

Someone should post the OJ murder on there as part of black history month

Because I didn’t do shit

Totally accurate representation just like the chimneys and wooden doors

Dude that would suck. Especially all chained up and shit. Fuck. That.

I didn't do it.

damn hate to be a guy on the bottom getting pissed all over constantly.

That drawing is about as real as my girlfriend.

why do mutts like this one worship niggers and nigger cock?? I honestly dont understand I with I was born elsewhere honestly

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you know that's based off of one drawing right? An entire narrative, off of one image.

I believe that Santa is real because there are thousands.

I don't believe that ever happened. This is the holocaust all over again. Also they were Jewish ships, so...?

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should benefits be subtracted from said reparations?

Even with minimal rations, that's way too many people on a ship.

Honestly how retarded must the average person be to see that and actually believe that happened. Man, if I owned people I for sure would want to make sure the people I owned got to where I was going to sell them, alive.

YO my guy watch the n word. I respect the hell out of them because they been thru so much and they are still so successful

They should ask kikes for reparations; they ran the boats, after all. My family moved from Aus in the 90s, so I don’t give two shits about what whites here did to the poor niggerinos two centuries ago.

More for me

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That drawing is about as real as the holohoax.

Yeah this is something people never seem to point out. Reparations have already been paid 10 times over

They are actually below average height, look it up.

Oy vey remember the 6 million black guys chained on slave ships

The reparations where paid when they were bought. They would have been killed if not bought. Then they got a ride to the Americas where they never in a 1000 years would have made it to. The Irish ad to pay their way to work their asses off. Sounds like a good deal, I'd have got on that ship over staying in Africa and be slaughtered with rocks. They owe us money at this point.

are blacks bigger guilt focused than jews? I mean my god, my entire life I've had to hear about the one time they had a bad day and that's supposed to make me give a shit? An entire month dedicated to a hot cheetos bag. Fucking hell this country is shit.

Not my problem

complain about the 8 centuries of slavery before that, done within Africa and the Middle East, before blaming whitey


>I didn't do it.
I think that the point here is:

For the Black Communities to KNOW WHO DID.

Not to use as an excuse to Riot
Not to Hate indiscriminantly
Not to use as a basis for reparations

Just for Humanity to have the fucking Facts, for once.

>wealthy Jews
>activity was State Sanctioned

>how can you see this and not think you have to pay reparations?
because i'm not a slave ship owner? because it's nothing to do with me?

op you should jump from a bridge

not my problem
not anybody else's problem either

Not humans.
Outdated farmon equipment.

lol this is a wonderful example of how brainwashing kids leads to them rewriting history and fucking up the next generation. remember those slave ship schematics that were all shoved down our throats in grade school? they were fucking hammocks. watch a fucking navy movie for christ sake.

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Remind them of who the reason is they have black history month.

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>they been thru so much

ok, fair

>and they are still so successful

lol, just no

Your assumption is that I feel guilt for niggers being treated in a manner befitting their criminal nature.

I'm not Jewish so what does this have to do with me?

because you would have to be retarded to believe that.

Don't worry it isn't real

Ayo we wuz Jengaz and shiiiiieeeeet

It's not even close to being possible. Think of the water & food needed to cross the Atlatic on the wind. The pure amount of Human waste to be moved around.

I'm a fucking poorfag as it is you fucking entitled liberal prick, give me some of those reparations if you're going to do this bullshit.


Looks pretty comfy desu. Also:


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saved & kekd

because i would never pay money for a nigger

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Do you accept credit cards?

I have this poster on my br wall

I don’t understand how one can even keep multiple people like this. What happens when they need to shit or when the boat is rocked too hard? I do not envy the sailors dealing with these stinky niggers.

Aid to Africa has costed us 50 Marshall Plans, with nothing to show for it.


Do it yourself you lazy entitled zoomer faggot.

Damn those jewish slave ship owners for being so mean to black people!

Fucking faggot, you owe us reparations for creating another shitty bait thread.

you're right. african countries should pay reparations for all the crime commited by slave offspring

Why didn’t they just rise up, and kill the whites?

I gave over fifty years of Affirmative Action - and no one living is responsible for anything from the past.

Keep living in your blame-ridden world where someone else must pay.

Fuck you.

You are restarted if you think they’d mistreat expensive slaves like that

Yes. Blacks do it because they are illiterate apes with a perpetual victim complex. Kikes know exactly what they’re doing and do it on purpose

Yeah it's entirely implausible. Those slaves would need to be fed and watered even if you let lay in their waste. 8 weeks of immobility and chains on skin would lead to bloodclots, infections, and almost certain death.

Each healthy slave was on par with the cost of a horse once they arrived in North America. They were also bought for a significant price before the journey. This might be how they brought slaves across the narrowest part of the Atlantic to Brazil but bringing them to USA like this would end in 99% casualties.

Imagine the logistics of cramming so many people onto a ship at one time. I wonder how similar it was to the logistics of the holocaust.

Almost as crazy as the holocaust rollercoaster

You hit the nail on the head. Playing tetris with chained prisoners would take days.

Does someone need to mention who owned all the slave ships?

Did they find out who did the murders?

It's not really about guilt, they've just learned that white people will do whatever they want so long as they are at risk of getting accused of being racist.

Not my problem.

Imagine the smell

looks like fake news to me

Not only is everything you have been taught about the Holocaust a lie, but also slavery. Most slave owners had one slave that they would work with.

This is the most fake and antisemitic image I've ever seen. How could those people have eaten during the entire voyage?

At least they were allowed to travel.
Looks about the same amount of room as a budget fare too, maybe more.
Fucking ungrateful.

If only they knew who ran the slave ships

I see. Thanks for the response. I'm totally over niggers. They just need to fucking go, and I don't care where. Hell, a ditch, the ocean, just fuck off with your violent retarded non-culture.

now ask yourself why did black people sell them?

Take it up with your countrymen who captured your dumb ass after they btfo your village and sold you to jewish and arab slavers.

Now tweet who owned the ships.

Niggers are so lazy they couldnt even sit or stand on the slave ships.

> amazing that anyone survived
> photoshop

Who owned the slave ships?
Who fought wars to end slavery?
Who is telling who to pay reparations?

We need more slave ships to send them back to Wakanda forever.

who again owned those ships ??
hmmm, then odd names
> Levine

dare i say
not kosher
about them ...

>pay the alleged debts of your fore bearers
Yeah no way that’s bank sponsored and corporate America approved.

Hey niggers, a Jew owned that ship, and then they auctioned your ass off to other Jews, but never on the Sabbath. Happy Black History Month.

Same people running the ships today.

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This pic is literally a hentai material

Attempting to guilt someone always comes from a place of projected insecurity. A person who knows they generally do the right thing will let a slight go after they've pointed it out, but a person who feels morally inferior will hold onto grudges and constantly point out long passed perceived wrongdoings.

Kikes, Nigs, and BPD women are the unholy trinity of "this is just like that time when you...". Never apologize unless you genuinely did something wrong, you're just feeding a weak person's desire to control you.

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You mean i should feel something for a race thst allowed itself to be enslaved for centuries?
Not happening

Not my problem

Because I have never purchased, owned, transported, sold, or traded slaves.
If I had, though, you can bet my entire load of cargo would have arrived at port alive and healthy enough to sell as farm labor. Shipping ain't cheap. You gotta get everything you can out of limited cargo space and no one is buying dead, starved, or sick niggers.

What? Did those niggers want to have one bedroom room with all amenities? Check out how white people travelled on the same ship and you will see no difference

Another thing I fucking hate about the slave narrative is that these people think that they were just lasso'ing feral niggers in africa. These people were already slaves under the African slave owners and were SOLD to Jewish merchants.

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