We're all NPC's

What if we are all NPC's and this message is how we update our firmware?

Attached: 1644128515772.jpg (306x306, 19.81K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Message Board*

Attached: TIMSAND__gamergategraphic.png (1678x1080, 2.92M)

Solipsism is the philosophical idea that only one's mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind

The only way out of the matrix is by confessing your sins

Attached: Cleanse your soul, confess.jpg (720x823, 131.95K)

There’s also another theory about you user. If you look deep onto your skin, you’ll see micro colonies of tiny micro people. They live there and they can’t hear you, due to the fact your voice is so deep, their ears don’t register the sound at all

I think so therefore I exist.

so you're all software, christians are "dead software" since they can't sin whatsoever and when they do they spend up more and more of their "soul" they surrendered

I'm not an NPC faggot fuck you, get vaccinated and have sex

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jesus is a dead tranny faggot software

What if this is just a slide thread and you never post in it again you nigger?

christian pastors are a bunch of "woman" software since all they do for work is talk like stupid women to a bunch of retarded dead software sheep

Reminds me of a story.
>The sage Ryokan admired bamboo for its emptiness (as it is hollow inside) and its tendency to grow straight upwards. His hut was surrounded by bamboo and he spent many hours contemplating it. One day, he noticed a shoot of bamboo growing through the floor of his closet. He took great interest in the small shoot. One day, he noticed that it was growing too large for its small enclosure, so he took up a candle to burn a hole in the roof of his hut. His thatched roof caught fire more readily than expected, and his entire hut burned down along with the surrounding bamboo.

God said therefore I exist.

god is dead software, the devil killed that stupid fuck, masquerading around like a stupid monkey could ever be a god

We're all niggers.
We're all demons.

life is a virus when it starts thinking it's god, that's why the devil has to kill life so god damn much

the times of noah have been forgotten, not because they were heathen, but because they had what god didnt want us to have... power.

If you took the experimental mRNA gene editing injection you are an NPC.

freedom is satanic goy, better just stay home and play dead

Imma upgrade you real quick. Everything you know relies on symbolic fiction for you to make sense. It's a simulation of truth, otherwise we'd see the math formulas everywhere organically. That being said, all identity is interrelated and fake to the extent it differs from reality. Do you have something of your flag that is as real as your body? Done. So you've been updated to the level of metaNPC. You're capable of understanding everyone's programming. Enjoy the journey till your next lesson


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>npc posts unoriginal idea
>npc, lacking the coding, never wonders why a person would think this proves nothing

Damn you got him bro

You're fucking retarded.